Anti-Semitism or common sense against injustice, the Swiss press divided over the occupation of campuses

Anti-Semitism or common sense against injustice, the Swiss press divided over the occupation of campuses
Anti-Semitism or common sense against injustice, the Swiss press divided over the occupation of campuses

Published on May 8, 2024 at 03:14. / Modified on May 8, 2024 at 03:17.

It’s not UCLA or Columbia, with its dozens of arrests, but Swiss campuses made headlines in the Swiss press on Tuesday. If everything that takes root across the Atlantic arrives more or less quickly in our latitudes, this time it will not have taken long for EPFZ, EPFL, Unil or Unige to take the example of their American counterparts. Occupation of buildings, camps in support of Gaza, demands to cut ties with Israeli universities, Swiss students made their demands known, with loud slogans and Palestinian flags.

Noise, agitation, demands? It was enough for the Swiss press to become inflamed – and in large part to rebel – in the face of these demonstrations. Between a pale copy of what is happening in the United States and pure and simple criticism of an occupation that they consider illegitimate in a student space, certain media have not been kind to the movement in support of the Palestinians. There NZZ sees, for example, activism under American influence, as if it had taken the relay of social networks for Swiss students to discover themselves engaged: “the United States is more than an ocean away from Switzerland, but only a click. […] Inspired by protests on countless American campuses, a few dozen to several hundred students occupy the atrium [de l’Université de Lausanne] since Thursday evening.”

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