An initiative to ban “compulsory vaccination” –

An initiative to ban “compulsory vaccination” –
An initiative to ban “compulsory vaccination” –

The people and the cantons will vote on June 9 on the popular initiative “For freedom and physical integrity”, which wants to prevent any obligation to be vaccinated. The initiative was launched in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic by the Swiss Freedom Movement (MLS).

The MLS initiative, filed in December 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic, claims the fundamental right to be able to dispose of oneself without professional or social disadvantages resulting or a fine being imposed.

L’initiative asks that everyone have the freedom to determine for themselves what should be injected or implanted in their body. The requirement is not only linked to the coronavirus but also applies to other vaccines, chips and other digital information that would be implanted in the body.

The text specifies that “the person concerned must not be punished for refusing to give consent, nor suffer social or professional disadvantages.

>> The results of the first survey: Yes to the two health initiatives, electricity law popular, according to the first SSR survey

Partisans do not trust the authorities

The initiative was launched by the MLS, whose committee notably includes Richard Koller, who holds the position of president, the former national councilor Yvette Estermann (UDC/LU), the German-speaking actor Marco Rima as well as the opponent of the vaccination Daniel Trappitsch.

For supporters of the text, current developments regarding the damage caused by vaccines show that the government and politics cannot be trusted. An initiative is the only way to end “drug-driven policy”.

Every person should be able to decide freely and without fear what goes into their body. Neither politics, nor the pharmaceutical industry, nor international organizations should be able to decide this.

>> Watch the debate again in the 12:45 p.m. between Baptiste Hurni and Jean-Luc Addor:

The debate between Baptiste Hurni, Neuchâtel PS state advisor, and Jean-Luc Addor, Valais UDC national advisor, on the popular initiative “For freedom and physical integrity” / 12:45 p.m. / 6 min. / April 29, 2024

A text that goes beyond vaccination for opponents

The Federal Council and the Federal Chambers recommend rejecting the initiative. In Parliament, only the UDC group supported the text. Some voices in the UDC asked in vain for a counter-project from the National.

For opponents, this text is useless, because physical integrity has long been a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution. They also denounce unpredictable consequences if the initiative is adopted.

“The text is so vague that we absolutely do not know what the consequences would be on State action. For example, would police arrests or bodily checks in the context of the execution of sentences still be possible without the consent of the persons concerned?

The yes committee also recalled that nearly three-quarters of the population was voluntarily vaccinated against the coronavirus and that vaccines constitute an important medical advance: they have made it possible to eradicate communicable diseases such as smallpox and to defeat almost entirely from other diseases such as polio.

>> Read also: The committee opposing the vaccination initiative presents its arguments




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