Right to access to running water in Guadeloupe! Stop the incessant cuts in Bas Du Fort (Gosier)

Right to access to running water in Guadeloupe! Stop the incessant cuts in Bas Du Fort (Gosier)
Right to access to running water in Guadeloupe! Stop the incessant cuts in Bas Du Fort (Gosier)

Subject: Stop water cuts in Bas du Fort, Guadeloupe!

Dear neighbors and residents of Bas du Fort,

We are fed up with broken promises, endless excuses and total indifference from local authorities to incessant water cuts which plunge our neighborhood into chaos. We deserve better than phantom water towers and faucets that spit out more air than drinking water!

How much neglect do we have to endure? How often do we have to adapt to inconsistent schedules and days without access to clean water? We are tired of being treated like second class citizens, forgotten when it comes to providing a service as basic as water!

This petition is our rallying cry, our categorical refusal to tolerate this unacceptable situation any longer. We require that :

1. Immediate and concrete actions to definitively resolve the problem of water cuts in Bas du Fort.
2. Total transparency from the authorities on the real causes of these recurring interruptions.
3. Limited water towers alternating with the other districts of Gosier

We will not remain silent while our lives are disrupted and our dignity violated. We will not back down until our most basic needs are met.

Sign this petition, circulate it, blow it up on all social networks! Show those who ignore us that we are united, determined and ready to do anything to get what is rightfully ours: a reliable and constant water supply!

The time for action has come. Join us to make our voice heard!

Together we are stronger
Exasperated residents of Bas Du Fort – Gosier




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