Operation “clear space”: after Bergerac, “there will be others” in Dordogne warns the prefect

Operation “clear space”: after Bergerac, “there will be others” in Dordogne warns the prefect
Operation “clear space”: after Bergerac, “there will be others” in Dordogne warns the prefect

The police, municipal, customs, dogs and agents of the city and the social landlord. For three days, some 25 police officers “held” the Jean Moulin de Bergerac cityfor the first operation labeled “clear place” by the Ministry of the Interior in Dordogne.

In a press release on Monday, the prefecture took stock. Thin, if we only look at the repressive side, with some fixed fines for consumers narcotics who had some drugs on them when they were stopped. A man targeted by a search card was also arrested during the operation.

“Make an impression”

The goal was mainly preventive: prevent the installation of a deal point in the neighborhood, “in addition to the daily work carried out by services in the field”. The prefect warns: “There will be others” “net square” operations in Dordogne: “We assume a certain visibility, in order to make an impression”adds Jean-Sébastien Lamontagne.

In all in three days in Bergerac, 194 people and 142 vehicles were checked in the Jean Moulin district. Eight traffic offenses were noted. Above all, the neighborhood was cleaned by the social landlord, who removed the bulky items and cleaned the tags, accompanied by the police.




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