Loire-Atlantique: the couple has just moved and their son is born in the apartment

By Patricia Bigot
Published on

May 7, 24 at 5:56 p.m.

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It’s the cuteness of the week. A baby is born at homewithin the CISN La Glacière residence in Le Croisic (Loire-Atlantique).

A birth in the corsair city is already not so common… but it is all the more surprising because the family had just moved into the apartmentjust like eleven other homes.

The couple had been living for less than a month

The La Glacière residence is built on the site of an old building which served as an ice house for the fish market.

Arriving at the beginning of February, the parents were in the process of settling in when the little baby showed up on February 23.

The beautiful little Salah Eddine was born directly in the apartment without bothering to wait until his parents could go to the hospital.

CISN Rental residences

A quick and easy delivery which surprised her parents but also the firefighters

du Croisic and the SAMU, who arrived as soon as possible!

“The baby is doing well”

An “extra-ordinary” event for everyone and the birth went very well.

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And today, Salah Eddine is doing wonderfully!

According to the social landlord, “Today it is a magnificent 2-month-old baby who has become the mascot of the Residence”.

No doubt he will be reminded of this thunderous arrival every birthday!

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