Dialogue is broken between students and Unil

Dialogue is broken between students and Unil
Dialogue is broken between students and Unil

The pro-Palestinian students who have occupied the hall of the Géopolis university building for 5 days are not giving in. And they denounce in a press release the management of Unil which did not come to a meeting on Monday at 6 p.m. even though it had agreed to do so. “She did not respect her commitments. She treats with contempt the people who come together today for rights and human dignity,” writes the movement.

The students demand that the leadership develop “a list of ongoing collaborations with Israeli institutions” and suspend these collaborations “until Israel respects a permanent ceasefire” in the conflict with the Palestine.

The movement was tolerated until Monday evening in the Géopolis hall. But the management of Unil does not want to “authorize any longer the day and night installation of the collective in buildings designed for research and teaching activity”, according to its statements Monday evening. However, she said she was “ready to discuss the provision of a space allowing the collective to continue its action, during the opening hours of the buildings” and to meet a delegation from the movement.

But the pro-Palestinian students are not discouraged: “The refusal of dialogue questions and disappoints us,” they write. And to specify that the movement agreed to stay, as long as Unil did not respond to its demands. “Our positions remain firm and we remain open to dialogue. We invite management to join us at the negotiating table on Tuesday, May 7 at 6 p.m. in the Géopolis hall, collectively, as agreed during our first meeting on Thursday, May 2.” In the meantime, the movement will maintain “its perseverance, its pacifism and its openness to collective discussion,” he writes.




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