Mazan trial: “We must show everything! Look at the rape, straight in the eye!” proclaim Gisèle Pelicot’s lawyers

Mazan trial: “We must show everything! Look at the rape, straight in the eye!” proclaim Gisèle Pelicot’s lawyers
Mazan trial: “We must show everything! Look at the rape, straight in the eye!” proclaim Gisèle Pelicot’s lawyers

The criminal court finally agreed to broadcast to the public and without any restriction the videos shot by Dominique Pelicot when dozens of men came to abuse his wife whom he had drugged in their marital bedroom. The president initially refused to grant this wish of the civil party.

“Mr. Pelicot, I noticed that you don’t watch these videos” asks the accused this Friday, October 4, Me Béatrice Zavarro, who is defending him before the Vaucluse criminal court. “I’m ashamed. I’m disgusted. I don’t want to see all that again” replies the septuagenarian, who has just spent nearly two hours with his head down and his hand over his eyes, in the box.

Close-ups of penetrations

Disgust? This is indeed one of the feelings that we experience, after the broadcast in the room of these images of the rapes inflicted on his wife Gisèle, stunned by sleeping pills in their marital bedroom, in Mazan. Shaky images, poorly framed and poorly lit, with close-ups of the penetrations suffered by the unfortunate unconscious woman.

Some defendants bow their heads. Another, in the box, seems hypnotized by what he sees on the screen and doesn’t miss a beat. A third, who is seen enjoying an inert body for a long time, without the slightest sign of nervousness, assures that these images prove to what extent he was terrified by the presence of Pelicot.

A defendant in distress

“I don’t show my weakness, because I am in the presence of a predator”he dares, in distress. “You can see that I’m terrified, but it doesn’t show.”

For the first time, these videos were broadcast in the presence of the press, and the public, in the broadcasting room, after a real standoff, won by Gisèle Pelicot and her two defenders, Me Antoine Camus and Me Stéphane Babonneau. After accepting a first broadcast in the sole presence of the press, President Roger Arata decided on September 20 that “these indecent and shocking images” would now only be broadcast in the presence of the court.

From Gisèle Halimi to Gisèle Pelicot

Unacceptable for Gisèle Pelicot, who fought for this trial to be completely public.

Also read:
Mazan rapes, a trial that fascinates the whole world: “There is real admiration for the courage of this lady”

Hence this appeal forcefully pleaded by its defenders. Me Babonneau, first, quoting the other Gisèle, the lawyer Me Halimi, who in 1978 had also requested that a trial for rape be public, and explained it as follows: “A raped woman is a broken woman, a shattered woman […]. And when she fights, she truly has courage because she knows it’s not for her.”

The lawyer continues. “Why is Giselle Pelicot fighting to inflict this additional dose of psychological poison on herself? For her, it’s too late, the damage is done, the rape by more than 60 men committed in her bed. But if this publicity allows us to so that other women do not have to go through this, then this suffering will have meaning.”

History is forged in the priesthoods

Mr. Camus continues. “We must show everything! Rape, right in the eye, but also the way we defend rape in 2024, in this country of human rights which is also that of women’s rights”. Before concluding, echoing the now global impact of this extraordinary trial: “It is also in the courtrooms that History is made.”

The public prosecutor approves and agrees, supporting public dissemination, and dismissing the arguments that are coming: “Accusations of voyeurism and exhibitionism only discredit those who make them.”

Lawyers are protesting loudly

Because behind, some lawyers for the accused, very hostile to the projection of these devastating images for their defense strategy, are protesting loudly.“Nauseating projections”, “exacerbated criminal voyeurism”, “Ceausescu-style trial” storm at great length Mr. Olivier Lantelme.

Me Nadia El Bouroumi screams at the bar against “media dictatorship” which would prevent defense lawyers from carrying out their mission.“We were threatened, humiliated, insulted! The facts are horrible, the international trial is being transcribed every second!” shouts this lawyer who is also very present on social networks. And who concludes with a lunar confession.“I was wondering when to watch the videos of my clients. I did it on the TGV last night on the way back from . I wanted to vomit.”

Such judicial images, viewed on public transport, when the trial opened more than a month ago? Disgust is everywhere.



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