Vaudois firefighters prepare to fight forest fires –

Vaudois firefighters prepare to fight forest fires –
Vaudois firefighters prepare to fight forest fires –

In the canton of Vaud, firefighters are preparing to fight forest fires. Their intervention methods and equipment must adapt to this type of disaster which is becoming more frequent.

Until now, firefighters were trained and equipped to fight fires in apartments, electric cars or small vegetation. But there is now talk of forest fires, over several hectares. Another environment, another tactic, therefore.

With global warming, the Vaudois firefighter gradually finds himself confronted with the same risks as a firefighter in the south of France.

A new situation on the ground

The situation on the ground is no longer the same, explains in Monday’s La Matinale Colonel Florian Cuche, cantonal inspector of the Vaud firefighters at the Cantonal Insurance Establishment (ECA): “We have always been able to fight against forest fires with urban resources But in recent years, a few events have notably required the use of aerial resources. A road between Aigle and Le Sépey had to be closed to fight a fairly large forest 2022, editor’s note).”

>> Reread: A fire cuts off the Leysin road, while the Centovalli road is 90% extinguished

A developed strategy

The Vaud authorities have been interested in fighting forest fires since 2021 and have developed a strategy to be implemented in the coming months.

To develop it, the Vaudois firefighters went to observe how it happens among their French colleagues, who are familiar with this problem.

Vaudois officials therefore went to Valabres, in the south of France, at the beginning of April to examine the intervention techniques and equipment of their counterparts.

An example to follow

“Everything is good to go. We have not put anything aside, except the commitment of the Canadians, which I think we will not see in the coming years”, declares Major Ruben Romero, responsible for training Vaudois firefighters.

“The idea is to learn and exchange with them. For the moment, we are learning what has been tested over many years and which is totally adaptable to us,” he explains.

>> Also read: Canadair’s new flight, symbol of firefighting

New material

Stored in the logistics base of the Vaud firefighters in Romanel-sur-Lausanne, equipment dedicated to fighting forest fires is ready to be tested. This equipment includes tools, water tanks transportable by helicopter or even a small all-terrain vehicle.

“Visually, it’s a kind of quad with a cabin, in which you can put up to three people, and a rear deck to transport equipment or workers,” describes Ruben Romero.

In a few months, the canton of Vaud will also be equipped with a first tanker truck specially designed for forest fires, a model already widely used by firefighters in France.

Strong demand across Europe

Given that the situation is now being taken seriously throughout Europe, there is strong demand from manufacturers of equipment adapted to these fires.

Florian Cuche emphasizes that we must be patient: “We are in the process of developing the concept. All the resources are not there and the firefighters are not all trained,” he indicates. “This means that we will have to fight as we have done until now: with common firefighter sense. But we have some equipment, which we are testing, which will make our work easier.”

Specific training

In a few months, around ten Vaudois fire services (out of 30) will be “specialists” in forest fires. Firefighters will also have to undergo a medical check-up for this type of physically demanding intervention. Online training will also be compulsory for Vaudois firefighters.

A single barracks will have the famous dedicated tanker truck and will travel as reinforcements in the canton according to needs.

No figures have yet been put forward as to the cost of the new strategy. In addition, the distribution of costs between the ECA and the State of Vaud must still be validated.

Robin Baudraz/friend



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