In graphs – Bonuses at 10% of income: quantitative analysis from the Vaud laboratory

In graphs – Bonuses at 10% of income: quantitative analysis from the Vaud laboratory
In graphs – Bonuses at 10% of income: quantitative analysis from the Vaud laboratory

The canton of Vaud has applied a capping of health insurance premiums at 10% of income since 2019. What figures can we draw from this laboratory? Response elements

Published on May 6, 2024 at 05:26.

The battle of figures around the capping of premiums at 10% of income rages on. Too expensive and missing its target for some, the initiative on which the Swiss will vote on June 9 is essential and proportionate for others. To be clear about it, The weather plunged into the figures for Vaud, the only French-speaking canton to practice these specific subsidies.

Who benefits most from this boost? What impact for cantonal public finances? And what future for a mechanism expected to be increasingly costly? All data obtained by The weather (to be discovered in our graphs) allow us to draw up a simple observation: this specific subsidy is well targeted, does not burden the State budget too much and benefits the inhabitants of Broye more than those of Lausanne. Review of details in six questions, between mathematical evidence and counterintuitive surprises.

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