The Vert’Liberaux reach consensus with their shaded areas

The Vert’Liberaux reach consensus with their shaded areas
The Vert’Liberaux reach consensus with their shaded areas

The Vert’Liberaux want more shaded spaces in the City of Geneva. They have just obtained approval of an initiative in this direction from the Municipal Council. Their text received almost unanimity: 68 yes, 3 no and 1 abstention.

Geneva is a concrete city: this is the opinion of the Vert’Liberaux. To remedy this, they submitted a municipal initiative “For a network of green and shaded relaxation spaces”. Clearly, they are asking for benches sheltered by permanent structures and plants in public spaces. The text collected more than 3000 signatures.

“What is important for us is to reduce heat islands. therefore to offer freshness. But also to offer a better quality of life to the city’s inhabitants on the left bank as well as the right bank,” explains Bénédicte Grimm, Vice-President of the Vert’Libéraux Ville de Genève.

Sustainable structures for biodiversity

The party welcomes the temporary infrastructures put in place by the City in the summer, but it wants to go further: “What we would like is lasting infrastructure, so that biodiversity can develop but also so that this or meeting places for residents” develops Bénédicte Grimm.

The text goes to committee

Now that the initiative has been approved by the City Council, it will go to the planning and environment committee. Its president welcomes this plebiscite: “The point of an initiative like this is to underline the will of the population. And I find that indeed today, some of the results do not live up to the challenges, so this type of text makes it possible to recall the objectives and needs of the inhabitants” rejoices Olivier Gurtner.

The planning department emphasizes for its part that the City is not starting from scratch on this project since it has already identified the sectors where the needs are most evident as part of its tree strategy.




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