Mistake over the identity of the mayor of Montauban, funny campaign at the PS, Noah’s ark in Monbéqui… the indiscretions of the day in Tarn-et-Garonne

the essential
Every Sunday, find the political indiscretions of the editorial staff in the Tarn-et-Garonne edition of La Dépêche. This week, it is about the reception of interns at the Montauban hospital, with a funny scene at the Ingres museum, the war of currents which continues at the PS in the middle of the European campaign or even a beautiful story of animals in Monbéqui.

Montauban: Philippe Bécade “dinosaur of surgery”

Thursday, May 2, the new class of medical interns for the department was invited to a welcome evening. As a preamble, the program included a free tour of the Ingres-Bourdelle Museum without a guide. An anomaly repaired by Philippe Bécade who offered to introduce the museum to his future colleagues.

Read also :
The Sapiac Interns’ House opened its doors in Montauban

Along the way, a student asked him if he was the mayor of Montauban. And the doctor replied: “No, I am a municipal councilor and I was deputy mayor in charge of culture, but I am here as a surgical dinosaur. » Dr Bécade does not lack humor!

Farmers’ income: an elected representative from Moissaga denounces the “at the same time” of the RN deputy

Candidate on the “Awaken Europe” list led by Raphaël Glucksmann (Place publique/PS), Marie Cavalié-Noua, opposition municipal councilor in Moissac, wants to lead a campaign on ideas. “We have to get to the bottom of things,” she insists. She notes that this is not at all the strategy of the National Rally.

“Their communication takes place on the surface, with selfies. We saw our MP, who claims to support farmers, not vote for a bill aimed at guaranteeing a dignified income for farmers and supporting the agricultural transition. We clearly saw that there was one at the same time at Marine Hamelet. »

This bill, presented at first reading to the National Assembly during the session of April 4, was still adopted… but Marine Hamelet was one of the 12 RN deputies to abstain.

European campaign: a candidate passed over in silence by her own camp

On Friday, PS and related elected officials held a press conference in Montauban to say all the good things they think of the “Wake up Europe” list led by MEP Raphaël Glucksmann. Surprisingly, no one talked about the only candidate from Tarn-et-Garonne on this list, Moissagaise Marie Cavalié-Noua.

MP Valérie Rabault preferred to mention the arrival of Regional President Carole Delga at the campaign meeting scheduled in Montauban… which the opposition municipal councilor of Moissac had announced for May 21. And Patrice Garrigues was delighted in advance that his Tarn friend Claire Fita could be elected European deputy if the Glucksmann list achieves a good score on June 9… without a word either for Marie Cavalié-Noua.

Read also :
European elections: why these elected officials from Tarn-et-Garonne are “fully behind” Raphaël Glucksmann’s list

Monday April 29, already, for the first public meeting of “Awakening Europe” in Nègrepelisse which was attended by the first secretary of the PS Arnaud Hilion, we noticed the absence of the mayor of the commune Morgan Tellier, deputy of Valérie Rabault. When we know the strained relations between the MP and the first secretary of PS 82, we better understand the silence around the candidacy of Marie Cavalié-Noua… and the message posted this Saturday on Facebook by Olivier Fournet, who was towing on the market of Montauban. “There are those who talk and those who are there.”

Fable in Monbéqui: the mayor, the two cats and the hedgehog

A hedgehog invited himself to the town hall of Monbéqui on Wednesday May 1st. However, the public building is already occupied by two cats, adopted by the municipality.
Facebook screenshot

Things are happening in Monbéqui… even on May 1st. Wednesday morning, Mayor Alfred Marty went to the town hall to feed “the two official cats of the town” and was surprised to discover “a new friend”… a hedgehog who had come to enjoy the bowl of cat kibble.

Alfred Marty tells us the story behind this beautiful story: “These two cats belonged to a gentleman living in accommodation next to the town hall. When he went to a retirement home, we collected his animals. We had them sterilized, we fed them and we opened a trap door in the cemetery shed so they could sleep there at night. During the day, they are on the window sill of the town hall and wait to be petted. »

Not sure we can do the same thing with the hedgehog but one thing is certain: Monbéqui deserves the title of animal-friendly village.

Teti’s drawing: the beavers settle on the island of Pissote

Story of animals also on the island of Pissote where a couple of beavers have just settled.
Drawing © Teti

Guests of the Dali Hotel have a front row seat to follow the event that inspired our designer this week: the installation of a couple of beavers on the island of Pissote, a natural space populated by numerous birds. How will cohabitation work?



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