These Roman security guards from Agde that even Rome wanted to recruit

These Roman security guards from Agde that even Rome wanted to recruit
These Roman security guards from Agde that even Rome wanted to recruit

The Urbanae Cohorts are participating on Saturday May 4 and Sunday May 5 in the Ancient and Medieval Days, in the Calade car park.

In ancient Rome, urban watchmen were responsible for firefighting and night policing. A historical framework that the Agathois association Cohortes Urbanae, founded twenty years ago under the name Ambonne, adopted two years ago now, with a change of name in passing. “Ambonne (named after the Roman villa of the same name, the remains of which are located behind the Saint-Benoît church in Cap d’Agde, Editor’s note) being known in Agde, but not further”explains Jean-Marc Melilli, one of the kingpins of a group of around fifteen people.

Participation in the 24th Natale di Roma

You will have understood, the thing about the Urbanae Cohorts is the historical reenactments. Recently, they participated in the big gathering of the Natale di Roma, in Italy, where they were invited the Gruppo Storico Romano to participate in this 24th edition, which attracts thousands of spectators all around the Circo Massimo (the Circus Maximus). An extraordinary memory for our Roman vigilantes, many of whom had never been to Rome and who were able to measure the weight of History in the city of seven hills. “Seventeen countries were represented, including three French teams, it was an honor for us to be there”recognizes Jean-Marc, who undoubtedly also sees it as a reward for the seriousness of the approach.

Homemade Roman costumes

Indeed, if we except the purchase of swords and Roman helmets, which are still “customized” for greater realism, the association makes all its costumes, with Isabelle, Jean-Marc’s wife, in the role of the head seamstress. Uniforms larger than life that we can discover this Saturday May 4 and Sunday May 5, in the Calade car park, on the occasion of the Ancient and Medieval Days, where the Roman security guards will demonstrate the Roman fire engine (made in house!) and will present costumes of Roman women.


