More and more young people are joining Alcoholics Anonymous in French-speaking Belgium

More and more young people are joining Alcoholics Anonymous in French-speaking Belgium
More and more young people are joining Alcoholics Anonymous in French-speaking Belgium

DMore and more young people are joining Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in French-speaking Belgium, Jean-Claude, one of the AA’s spokespersons, explained on Tuesday during the presentation of the association’s annual congress which will be held on Saturday in Brussels. While there are no exact numbers, AA appears to be increasingly diverse – not to mention the format of meetings, some of which have been held online since the covid pandemic.

Some 200 AA groups (each with between ten and 20 people) are active in French-speaking Belgium. “Male-female parity has almost been achieved, and more and more young people are joining the ranks of AA. They are often surprised by the warm welcome of our groups, far from the caricatured image sometimes portrayed,” pointed out Jean-Claude.

“These groups, open to everyone regardless of the degree of alcoholism and guaranteed anonymity, are driven by the same desire: to stay abstinent by helping each other,” he continued. The awareness campaign launched Tuesday on social networks also carries a clear message: “If you don’t manage, we’re here. »

The non-profit organization reminds us that “if medicine provides answers, dialogue between alcoholics greatly helps to stay away from the product and rebuild a quality life. »

Next Saturday, the association is organizing its annual congress at Ecam, the UCLouvain campus in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert. Several hundred people are expected to “share moments of reflection, discuss a common problem but also celebrate their newfound freedom”. Around ten “crossroads” will address themes related to the theme of “First Day”, and a plenary assembly devoted to the evolution of relations between AA and the medical world will close the afternoon, before the festive activities.

“A telephone hotline is available 24/7 at 078/15.25.56, and numerous resources are available on our social networks and on our website,” concludes the association.

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