Nearly 1.2 million francs paid for professional training in 2023

Nearly 1.2 million francs paid for professional training in 2023
Nearly 1.2 million francs paid for professional training in 2023

The cantonal Fund for support of professional training (FSFP) achieved its objectives last year. It allowed the payment of 1,147,212 francs for the six regular services and 21,170 francs for specific projects. These figures appear in the 2023 activity report, which also presents the various services of the fund.

The cantonal Fund for the support of professional training (FSFP) has the mission of supporting Jura training companies. With this in mind, the following measures have received funding.

Intercompany courses
The fund contributes to the costs relating to inter-company courses on a flat rate basis per apprentice: 300 francs per year from the 2023-2024 school year and 40 francs per course day. The payments amount to 923,940 francs for 2023.

Qualification procedures
The fund covers all costs related to qualification procedures (exams). Jura training companies were thus relieved of an amount of 128,699 francs for 2023.

Courses for business trainers
The fund helps finance courses for business trainers. In 2023, the contribution was 53,625 francs.

Adult certifications
Each year, several experienced professionals, who do not benefit from certified training in their field of activity, wish to obtain a recognized title. They can then take the end-of-apprenticeship exams, without having followed the prior training (AFP and CFC) or carry out a skills assessment and present it to a panel of experts (validation of acquired experience). In 2023, the fund allocated 21,920 francs to companies employing a person who commits to these approaches. The maximum amount per candidate for each of these two procedures leading to obtaining a formal title (AFP or CFC) is 5,000 francs, since last year.

Allowances for expert chefs
The fund pays an annual lump sum to expert chefs. Last year, the sum of 19,028 francs was devoted to this measure.

Special projects on request
Jura training companies, private and public, and professional associations can request financial support for actions aimed at promoting professional training. For 2023, the amount paid under this heading is 21,170 francs. The activity report includes the list of supported projects.

As a reminder, the FSFP, which has existed since 1is January 2008, is funded by a contribution from private companies and public authorities, with the exception of those which already have their own support system, on the basis of AVS determining salaries. The contribution rate was then set at 0.05% until December 31, 2022. From December 1is January 2023, upon proposal from the fund’s Board of Directors, the Government set the contribution rate at 0.1%. This decision follows the acceptance of motion 1451 by the Jura Parliament. This asked the Government to increase the contribution rate from 0.05% to 0.1%.



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