Solvay factory in Salindres: 68 jobs threatened in

Solvay factory in Salindres: 68 jobs threatened in
Solvay factory in Salindres: 68 jobs threatened in Gard

On Tuesday, September 24, the Solvay company announced that it would stop its production of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and fluorinated derivatives in its factory in Salindres in . In total, 68 positions will be eliminated during 2025.

Solvay has established numerous factories across Europe, such as here in Bad Wimpfen in Germany. © LariBat/

The verdict is in. On Tuesday, September 24, the Solvay group announced, at the end of its Corporate Social Committee (CSE), its intention to stop the production of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and fluorinated derivatives on its industrial site in Salindres, in the Gard. These two chemical compounds are used in particular in different fields such as medicine or agronomy.

This decision to cease activity will then result in the elimination of 68 positions between the beginning of 2025 and October 2025. The group cites “persistent negative financial performance” due to “unfavorable market conditions” which are not expected to improve.

68 jobs threatened in Salindres

The CFDT Chimie Énergie quickly reacted in a press release. She protests against Solvay’s decision to stop activity at its Salindres site in 2025. Despite the job cuts, Solvay would continue to operate the factory’s economic interest group (EIG) which manages utilities. , preserving 28 jobs, but “this will not be enough to ease the pain and worry of employees”. The CFDT then expressed its indignation at this decision, considering that Solvay was “sacrificing” the last European producer of TFA, an essential component in cancer treatments and antivirals.

The union also denounces a decision which threatens “the economic independence of and Europe”. He has already brought this matter to the public authorities, describing this cessation of activity as “organized social breakdown”. The CFDT calls for mobilization to preserve “this company, its know-how” and avoid compromising “an entire pool of jobs”.

The situation at the Solvay factory in Salindres worries

Furthermore, this announcement provoked a strong political reaction, notably from Carole Delga, president of the Region. Describing this decision as “a real blow for the territory and its inhabitants”, she emphasizes that it comes in an already tense context, marked by “several months of controversies over water pollution” in the region.

Carole Delga then wishes to provide her support to the 68 employees threatened by the elimination of their positions : “Everything must be done to support them and enable them to keep or quickly find a job. » She also expresses her desire to find solutions for the future of the Salindres site: “All options for maintaining industrial activity on this site will have to be studied. » She then insists on the importance of preserving “the know-how and technical skills” of the site, calling for reinforced dialogue with Solvay and potential partners to consider industrial reconversion.

In order to minimize the social impact of this closure, the president of the Occitanie Region specifies that her teams have already contacted the president of the Solvay group, François Pontais, to discuss the reasons for this decision and request “guarantees for the future of employees and the site”. At the same time, Carole Delga affirms that the Region will remain “particularly vigilant and committed alongside employees, their representatives and local elected officials”.

She ends by calling on the State to take its responsibilities: “The State must stand alongside local authorities to defend industrial employment. We expect strong measures and concrete commitments from the government to preserve the economic future of the territories. »



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