Deprived of the use of his legs, this Charente swimmer connected Fort Boyard to La Rochelle in six hours

Deprived of the use of his legs, this Charente swimmer connected Fort Boyard to La Rochelle in six hours
Deprived of the use of his legs, this Charente swimmer connected Fort Boyard to La Rochelle in six hours

A real feat! Deprived of the use of his legs, Charente swimmer Enzo Bruno managed to connect Fort Boyard to La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) in just over six hours on Tuesday. He set off at 9:30 a.m. and reached Chef de Baie beach after exactly six hours and nine minutes of effort, reports The Free Charente.

“The crossing went well overall despite the counter-current throughout, and luckily the coefficient was low and there were few waves”, he says on his Facebook page. The athlete dedicated his incredible performance to Daniel Manzanas, the former president of the Charente departmental adapted sports committee who recently died.

He wants to cross the Channel

Originally, Enzo Bruno had planned to arrive on Mimines beach in La Rochelle. But he had to change his plans due to sea currents. “If I had decided to continue on Minimes beach, it would have taken two to three hours more”he explained on the microphone of France Blue La Rochelle.

The French disabled swimming champion also confided that he had decided “don’t force too much” because other challenges await him. He actually aims to cross the Channel at the beginning of June for the benefit of an association which helps two children with disabilities.

