Bordeaux – Albert Riera on his desire to stay with the Girondins next year: “I know how to build this team, I am sure of myself”

Bordeaux – Albert Riera on his desire to stay with the Girondins next year: “I know how to build this team, I am sure of myself”
Bordeaux – Albert Riera on his desire to stay with the Girondins next year: “I know how to build this team, I am sure of myself”

Bordeaux (14th) is one of those teams that doesn’t have much left to play at the end of the season. If the continuation of the Girondins is not yet mathematically assured, they should, barring disaster, avoid the relegation zone at the end of a particularly disappointing 2023/2024 financial year. This Friday, they will face a team from Ajaccio (11th) who will also play their last matches without any particular objective. For both teams, it will above all be a question of doing well and finishing with good momentum, hoping to continue it next August. Before the 36th day of League 2the Bordeaux coach, Albert Rieraspoke at a press conference about his future at the club and his desire to stay.

Also read >> 80% possession for 1 shot on target: the improbable stats of Bordeaux against Laval (0-1)

An update on the group

Biumla and De Lima are absent, all the other players are available. It’s been a long time since we’ve had just two injuries, that’s good news […] Matias De Amorim trained all week with the group, he is a professional player and he will be with us. »

His future in Bordeaux

I’ll give you some news. I’m sure I (want) to stay here, I still have one year of contract. I know how to build this team, I am sure of myself. I think the club will agree with me, it was not a project this season. Because I arrived during the season, in a difficult period. That’s not the most important thing. Last year, they missed the climb. And then the team was not improved and the players who left were not replaced. If you have a project, you want to progress. In October, when I arrived, there was a deficit compared to last year. There is another deficit, it is the transfer window. We can’t improve the team when our hands are tied. We will see the options that the club has, but if they give me the project, if they listen to me, I am sure that next year we can go up […] When the season is over, we will see the possibilities. There is a president, a sports director. They are the ones who will decide if I am the man for this project. But I am convinced that I know how to go up […] We all want to progress. We must try to have the means to improve this club, this team. I want this club to be where it deserves with the history it has […] If we all do our best, I believe we can do it. »

His will to stay

“I am a winner. I want to continue until the end. But we need means, we will see if these means can arrive […] We often confuse ego and lack of humility. I never want to disrespect anyone […] The most important thing is the players. There are players who want to stay or extend if I stay. It also gives strength. I don’t know how many players will stay next season, there will be changes with or without me, that’s for sure. But what the players tell me gives me confidence. More than someone from the outside talking about me without knowing me […] Ligue 2 is very tight, everyone can win against everyone. But with a project that I adapt as I want to adapt it, I am sure that we can achieve our objective […] I speak for myself. Today, the president lets me coach Bordeaux, tomorrow, I don’t know. He’s the one who decides, football is changing and we can’t promise anything […] [J’ai décidé de faire cette annonce maintenant] because I feel like that. I’m someone who says what he feels, I feel like it’s time. »

A lack of initiative among the players?

If we talk about Laval, I think it was a special match and no one expected their block to be so low. A coach can organize, plan how the ball arrives from the ball release made by the goalkeeper, up to three-quarters of the field. When we get there, it’s the dribble, the last pass, the shot… We knew they would be low and that they would have a difficult block to pass. We worked on this situation, but I can’t dribble or make the last pass. It’s up to the players to take this initiative. On Tuesday, we worked on this deficit again: finding that last pass which created the surprise. »

Photo by Eddy Lemaistre/Icon Sport



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