The weather for Thursday, May 2, 2024 in Amiens and its surroundings

The weather for Thursday, May 2, 2024 in Amiens and its surroundings
The weather for Thursday, May 2, 2024 in Amiens and its surroundings

In Amiens, the weather will be overcast when you wake up this Thursday, May 2, and the temperature will be higher than yesterday. At dawn, the wind force will be 15 km/h, and will gradually increase at the end of the morning to reach around 30 km/h. Gusts could exceed 45 km/h. Its direction will be inconsistent during this interval. The mercury will remain constant at 13°C.

The thermometer will remain stable at 15°C during the second half of the day, while the wind will continue to increase between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., reaching approximately 40 km/h. In bursts, it can reach 65 km/h. Its orientation will change during this period. Clouds will persist, and drizzle is expected late in the afternoon.

In the evening, the wind will drop to around 35 km/h around midnight, and it will be coming from the West. It will be able to reach 85 km/h in bursts. The sky will still be overcast, and there will be drizzle in the middle of the evening. The mercury will remain homogeneous at 13°C.

The wind force will oscillate around 35 km/h during the night, while the thermometer will remain stable at 11°C. 70 km/h can be reached in bursts. The wind direction will be variable during this time slot. The weather will remain overcast.

On Friday, the sky will be mostly overcast, but no precipitation is expected. The air temperature will be almost the same as today: it will be between 8 and 15°C.

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