How much does it cost to study in Switzerland? Our map of universities and colleges

Published on September 30, 2024 at 05:30.

Triple the fees for foreign students at the Federal Polytechnics (ETH): in the autumn parliamentary session, the Chambers quickly agreed on this point. Almost at the same time, the Federal Council adopted some of the measures recommended by the Gaillard report, a plan drawn up by experts to achieve nearly 5 billion in savings and which notably recommends doubling taxes for Swiss students and quadrupling those foreign students. With a formula that is sure to provoke a reaction: “strengthen user financing”.

The issue of university tuition fees is making a comeback. Should they be increased? Do people who come to Switzerland for their studies have to pay more than those who have completed secondary school there – the difference between “native” and “foreign” students? Figures from the last two decades show that this is already a reality.

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