Meurthe-et-. €500 monthly income to enable young people aged 16 to 25 to build a future for themselves

Meurthe-et-. €500 monthly income to enable young people aged 16 to 25 to build a future for themselves
Meurthe-et-Moselle. €500 monthly income to enable young people aged 16 to 25 to build a future for themselves

“In a difficult budgetary situation, we are choosing to make strong decisions. The Youth Empowerment Income is a political choice that we accept because it confirms youth as our priority,” declared Chaynesse Khirouni at the opening of the public session of the Department of Meurthe-et-.

Lionel Adam, departmental advisor in charge of the file, explains the philosophy of this three-year experiment: “This youth emancipation income is intended to act as a “springboard”. Between the ages of 16 and 25, there are 9 years of uncertainty, which for some, follow one another. If work is absent, if at the same time, the family disappears, what is left for young people? »

Poverty rate of more than 26%

The departmental council has therefore chosen to create, subject to resource conditions, an income of €500 per month open to young people in Meurthe-et-Moselle aged 16 to 24 who are most in precarious circumstances. A project built from February 2023 to September 25, 2024, date of the vote in public session of the regulation allowing the payment of this income from 1is october. Last June, more than 100 partners (local missions, educators, social workers, popular education associations) met at the Hôtel du Département in , to discuss, share and propose. Young people present spoke of their desire to live and be part of the collective.

In Meurthe-et-Moselle, the poverty rate for young people under 30 is more than 26%. 2,000 young Meurthe-et-Mosellans are neither in employment, nor in studies, nor in training. Access to housing, training, culture, health, training and employment is complicated for many of them.

Instructions for use

Financial assistance is set at €500 per month, for a maximum of one year, interstitial to take into account the ups and downs of life. The support will be progressive and will be structured around two complementary semesters. The first will allow you to meet young people, create bonds of trust, analyze needs, define a project and actions. A first assessment will be carried out during the first quarter to assess and make any adjustments. A second semester can then begin, that of impulse, of movement. Financial assistance will then be maintained if concrete mobilization of the young person is noted and if they have taken ownership of their project.

This income is also a reciprocal commitment, materialized by a charter signed between the Department and the young person. The Department is committed to listening and providing support for the steps taken. The young person undertakes to respect the values ​​of the republic and its symbols.



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