Mamadou Lamine Diallo attacks the new opposition and stands down

Mamadou Lamine Diallo attacks the new opposition and stands down
Mamadou Lamine Diallo attacks the new opposition and stands down

Tekki leader Mamadou Lamine Diallo has decided to support Pastef for the early legislative elections scheduled for November 17. But the former deputy of the 14th legislature does not understand the claim of the new opponents, gathered around an association for the transparency of elections.

In a text, the politician recalled everything that the old regime made the former opposition suffer in his eyes. And for him, these former leaders (although opponents of the former regime are also in the Atel) are poorly placed to talk about transparency. Here is his publication.

Those who financed dozens of lists for the 2017 legislative elections only to end up imposing on us, through the force of repression, corrupt sponsorship;

Those who have always refused a non-partisan minister responsible for elections;

Those who have always refused to submit the electoral register on time to the stakeholders concerned; Those who have cut our constitution in all directions, disrupted the electoral calendar and pushed for a gap between the presidential and legislative elections, while the people had obtained a synchronization of the two elections in 2012;

Those who have always refused the single ballot;

Those who wanted to reduce the opposition to its simplest expression;

Those who have always refused access to state media to the Opposition;

Here they are, demanding transparency in the early elections of November 2024 that they imposed on President BDDF by tinkering with the constitution.

Tekki has been involved in all these democratic battles for the rebuilding of our country’s institutions. Tekki knows the subject. So, who is the conglomerate wrongly called ATEL making fun of?




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