A week of closure for the CLSC of Rivière-Saint-Jean

The municipality of Rivière Saint-Jean brings together approximately 230 inhabitants in two villages, including Magpie. (Photo municipalityduquebec.com/riviere-st-jean)

The Rivière-Saint-Jean CLSC will be closed from April 29 to May 3 inclusively due to lack of staff. The CISSS de la Côte- invites the population of this municipality to go to the neighboring CLSCs of Rivière-au-Tonnerre or Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan.

Service to Rivière-Saint-Jean will normally resume on Monday, May 6 at 8 a.m. At any time, the public can obtain advice by contacting the Info-Santé 811 service and 911 in the event of an emergency.

The population can also consult the Minganie Multiservice and Social Services Center in Havre-Saint-Pierre. People who do not have a family doctor can contact the First Access Desk (GAP) at 811, option 3. During the call, a nurse assesses the health need and can direct demand for professional service.

The CISSS de la Côte-Nord thanks the population for their collaboration.



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