Strengthening parliamentary ties between Morocco and South Africa | APAnews

Strengthening parliamentary ties between Morocco and South Africa | APAnews
Strengthening parliamentary ties between Morocco and South Africa | APAnews

The Speaker of the National Assembly of South Africa praised Morocco’s democratic experience and expressed the desire to develop fruitful bilateral cooperation with the Kingdom of Morocco.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives of Morocco, Rachid Talbi El Alami, met Friday in Johannesburg with the Speaker of the National Assembly of South Africa, Angela Thokozile Didiza. This bilateral meeting took place on the sidelines of the 12th Annual Conference of Speakers of African Parliaments, which is being held from September 18 to 20.

Mr. Talbi El Alami began the meeting by congratulating Ms. Didiza on her election as head of the South African legislative institution. He also invited Ms. Didiza to make an official visit to Morocco, accompanied by a parliamentary delegation, in order to strengthen cooperation relations between the two Parliaments.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives recalled Morocco’s historical role in supporting liberation movements in Africa, stressing Rabat’s crucial support for Pretoria in its fight against colonialism, as Nelson Mandela often mentioned. Mr. Talbi El Alami expressed Morocco’s willingness to develop fruitful cooperation with South Africa, expanding it to several strategic sectors.

“Morocco and South Africa, as influential nations in Africa, must exploit their comparative advantages to strengthen their cooperation for the benefit of their peoples and the entire continent,” he said. He highlighted the many strategic projects initiated by Morocco under the forward-looking vision of King Mohammed VI, citing in particular the Africa-Atlantic Royal Initiative, the development of renewable energies, the automobile, aeronautics, new technologies, the development of human resources, the fight against climate change and agriculture.

Mr. Talbi El Alami affirmed that Morocco is ready to share its expertise with South Africa in various fields, recalling that the Kingdom is a major exporter of citrus fruits to the European Union and sub-Saharan Africa.

For her part, Ms. Didiza thanked Mr. Talbi El Alami for the invitation to visit Morocco. She spoke about her country’s democratic experience, recalling the recent general elections of May 29, which led to the formation of a national unity government after intense negotiations.

Mrs. Didiza praised Morocco’s democratic experience and expressed her wish to develop fruitful bilateral cooperation with the Kingdom.

The Moroccan delegation present at the conference also included Laila Dahi of the National Rally of Independents (RNI), Khadija Arouhal of the Party of Progress and Socialism (PPS), Abdessamad Haiker of the Justice and Development Party (PJD) and Hanaa Benkhair of the General Union of Workers of Morocco (UGTM).




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