What to do in Ille-et-Vilaine this weekend from September 20 to September 22, 2024?

What to do in Ille-et-Vilaine this weekend from September 20 to September 22, 2024?
What to do in Ille-et-Vilaine this weekend from September 20 to September 22, 2024?

Releases for Friday, September 20

Concert in Cancale

Concert “Poetry!”

Eddy Maucourt sings Paco Ibañez. Spanish songs and flamenco guitar. “¡Poesía!” takes you on a poetic and poignant journey thanks to Eddy Maucourt’s powerful voice and virtuoso guitar tuned to the magnificent acoustics of the Saint-Méen church.

Concert in Saint-Malo

Alan Stivell in concert “Heart and Soul, Kalon Hag Ene”

The artist travels the route of the churches and cathedrals of and Europe to present a unique project accompanied by Tangi Miossec, an outstanding keyboard player: a concert that revisits his work in an intimate format offering crystalline purity as well as the possibilities of electronics. Tickets available in all agencies of the Saint-Malo Baie du Mont Saint-Michel tourist office.

Concert in Fougères

Roszalie concert at the Coquelicot

Electronic music group.

Debate / Conference (meeting with authors, cinema screening) in Saint-Malo

​Second National Sovereign Tech Symposium

This day facing the sea and the Fort National will be divided into round tables and lively speeches of 30 minutes each distributed to around twenty speakers (with the exception of that of Arnaud Montebourg, the guest of honor, which will last an hour). Program of the day: 8:20 a.m. – 8:50 a.m.: coffee reception and registration of participants. 9 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.: François Bert, founding member and administrator of the Association des Militaires Entrepreneurs. “Discernment as a strategic virtue: Is it enough to be intelligent to know how to decide?”. 9:35 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.: Raphaël Angleraux and Émeric Cocault, co-founders and directors of Icodia: “How did these Bretons remain masters on board their data center?” 10:35 a.m. – 11:05 a.m.: Cyber ​​round table: “Why and how to make cybersecurity a commercial differentiator?”…

Outings on Saturday September 21

Concert in Cancale

Concert “Poetry!”

Eddy Maucourt sings Paco Ibañez Spanish songs and flamenco guitar. “¡Poesía!” takes you on a poetic and poignant journey thanks to Eddy Maucourt’s powerful voice and virtuoso guitar tuned to the magnificent acoustics of the Saint-Enogat church.

Concert in Paimpont

Concert by the Men’s Choir

Under the direction of Malgorzata Pleyber. The Vannes Men’s Choir is a group of 50 choristers, unique in its kind in Brittany, awarded prizes in international competitions. It will offer an eclectic and colorful program, alternating sacred and secular music. This event is accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Concert in Dinard

“Poesia!” »: Eddy Maucourt sings Paco Ibañez

A poetic journey thanks to the powerful voice and guitar of Eddy Maucourt tuned to the acoustics of the church. Talking about peace in times of war and freedom in the face of totalitarianism still has all its meaning and the work of Paco Ibañez, universal, has stood the test of time.

Concert in Saint-Suliac

Concert: Ars Viva

The vocal ensemble from Saint-Malo performs Rossini’s “Stabat Mater”.

The leisure agenda

Festivals, exhibitions, visits, conferences, …

Sunday September 22 outings

Concert in Fougères

Concert by Tendre Maria and Tris at the Coquelicot

Flea market (garage sales, flea markets) in Dinard

Saint-Enogat flea market

Yard sale reserved exclusively for individuals organized by the Union of Traders.

Debate / Conference (meeting with authors, cinema screening) in La Guerche-de-Bretagne

Heritage Day: talk on war memories

All audiences. Organized by the media library. Hosted by Jean-Luc David.

Show (circus, theater, storytelling) in Paimpont

Circus – Alice Delhumeau’s Basin Headshot

In partnership with the Art and Nature festival “Forêts”. “I was there and poof everything disappeared”. A comforting darkness sees the delicate poetry of movement peacefully born, on a few notes of accordion. Feet in one direction and hands in the other: it is the exploration of oneself, the curiosity of a transformation.



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