two dead this Wednesday morning in Florange

two dead this Wednesday morning in Florange
two dead this Wednesday morning in Florange

A tragic traffic accident occurred this Wednesday, September 18, morning, around 5 a.m. Driving on Rue Sainte-Agathe, a dead-end street in the Florange industrial zone, the driver of a vehicle, in which a passenger was sitting, lost control of his car for reasons that are still unclear. The car violently collided with a heavy goods vehicle parked on the side of the road, the driver of which was asleep in the cabin at the time of the incident. Despite the rapid intervention of the firefighters and a doctor from the Smur, the two occupants, aged around thirty, unfortunately died on the spot from their injuries.

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Excessive speed?

According to witnesses, the state of the car, reduced to a pile of metal, would seem to suggest excessive speed. To confirm or deny this hypothesis, the men from the Thionville police station, still at the scene of the tragedy this morning, have opened an investigation to determine the exact circumstances of this doubly fatal accident.

As in any accident, the investigations will then inevitably examine the classic risk factors by questioning the trio of alcohol, narcotics and telephone.



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