U2P Haute-Corse inaugurates its new premises at the Erbajolo Technology Park

U2P Haute-Corse inaugurates its new premises at the Erbajolo Technology Park
U2P Haute-Corse inaugurates its new premises at the Erbajolo Technology Park

It was in the presence of the four presidents of the different confederations – CAPEB, CNAMS, CGAD and UNAPL – that Louis Constant, president of U2P Haute-Corse for a year, welcomed his partners to unveil the institution’s new premises at the Erbajolo Technology Park. “Until February, we were in premises in the Fango district of , but we lacked visibility and easy access for our members. With these new premises in Erbajolo, we overcome these two drawbacks and our premises are more functional”explained Louis Constant.

This move is an important step for U2P Corse, the most representative employers’ organization in the region, which defends the interests of craft businesses and promotes an economy based on proximity. “Today, Corsican craftsmanship is a leading economic player, a sector that creates significant jobs and an important training sector”added the president.
With the creation of ARTIFORM in 2006, U2P has acquired an efficient training organization, offering short and long-term training in various fields, including safety and food. “Our new premises are better suited to these training courses and more accessible,” Vincent Baldo of CAPEB pointed out. The site has 130 m² with two offices and a large training room, thus allowing members to be welcomed in optimal conditions.
On the sidelines of the inauguration, Louis Constant also gave an initial assessment of the summer season for local artisans. “For now, we don’t really have any feedback, except that the season has been mixed. Some sectors have done well, others less well. What is notable is the drop in spending. People are consuming differently,” he observed, before concluding on a cautious note regarding the future of craft businesses in the face of changing consumer habits.



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