. They launch a revolutionary software for more than 1,500 self-storage centers

. They launch a revolutionary software for more than 1,500 self-storage centers
Gironde. They launch a revolutionary software for more than 1,500 self-storage centers


Editorial The Republican Langon

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Sep 17, 2024 at 7:02 PM

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Clémence Hermel and Nicolas Roux are from -Gironde, in Gironde. Today they are launching an ambitious software : Boxpilote. This computer program will allow you to make the work of business leaders easier self storage.

On its website, Boxpilote promises a saving seven hours of work per week through its use.

But what is self storage? It is an increasingly common practice, also called storage room. It is simply the use of a storage box, monitored and rented to store furniture.

An ambitious software project

Nicolas Roux is developer and passionate about her job. Clémence Hermel ensures the marketing and the development from Boxpilote.

Both of them have set themselves a challenge this year: revolutionizing the world of self storageThe two entrepreneurs want to carry out their mission using software they developed.

And for good reason, the storage center market represents more than 1,500 centers in today, with the development of the sector announced until 2030. More than 150 centers open each year.

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French software that meets the demands of entrepreneurs

We met business leaders who were dissatisfied with their solutions in the self-storage sector. Nicolas has an appetite for developing software. We started development in February and we plan to release it in September 2024. The idea is that the center manager can create his contracts with commercial management, automatic invoicing, payments, contracts, etc.

Clemence Hermel

The couple is planning a scalable software according to the needs of the customers, and underlines the fact that this software is French. They are already supported by French Tech which supports their innovative approach.

They don’t plan on stopping there:

We would like to recruit two people in the first quarter of 2025 to support us in the marketing of Boxpilote and its development.

Clemence Hermel

“Maximum optimization of storage spaces”

Boxpilote promises in particular to help entrepreneurs by “obtaining a clear vision and real time of each storage unit. Easily managing availability, occupancy and reservations, thus ensuring a maximum optimization spaces. Boxpilote is designed for adapt to a multitude of spaces storage, including containers, storage boxes, furniture storage, parking spaces and offices”.

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