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: tourism in good shape since January with 16.4 million overnight stays, i.e. +4%

Despite the Olympic Games in , inflation, the political crisis caused by the surprise dissolution, “French and international customers have been loyal to the rendezvous” explains Pierre Gonvalvez, the president of Vaucluse Provence Attractivité (VPA). “Many Parisians have been attracted by the climate, the art of living, the heritage”. On the podium, among the 43% of foreign visitors (+3%), the winning trio are Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, followed by the Swiss and the British.

This stable attendance is verified in most of the Vaucluse territories, only the Luberon and the Grand are slightly increasing thanks to the festivals. Moreover, 66% of tourism professionals (compared to 70% last year) acknowledge having experienced good attendance at their establishments.

©Vaucluse Provence Attractiveness

This is explained by the reputation of the department, its attractiveness, the wealth of its cultural, heritage and wine tourism offerings, its landscapes, its flavors, its natural side, its hikes and its cycle routes.

Between January 1st and August 31st, there was a 4% increase in stays and VPA intends to capitalize on this increase in the fall with a campaign on sustainable tourism called “Change your plan! Explore the South differently!” a partnership with the South Region. And at the heart of Mobility Week (September 15-22), the promotion of soft travel by train and eco-labeled accommodation are targeted to extend the length of stays. Among the preferred recipients, seniors who are fans of eco/slow activities, without a car, by bike, bus and train, attracted by wine tourism, gastronomy and the art of living in Vaucluse.

©Vaucluse Provence

Next operation: October 7th “EducTour buissonier between Le Lac des Monteux and the Via Venaissia to discover the secure facilities for 2 wheels and the cycle routes. But, all year round, the Ventoux, the Luberon, the Dentelles de Montmirail, the cedar forest, the lavender fields, the ochre trail and the tour of the perched villages await you.

To learn more click HERE



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