Dismasting two months before the Vendée Globe

Dismasting two months before the Vendée Globe
Dismasting two months before the Vendée Globe

Less than two months before the start of the legendary Vendée Globe, the Fortinet – Best Western team is facing a major technical and financial challenge. This Friday, September 13, the IMOCA skippered by Romain Attanasio dismasted during the 48 hours of the Défi Azimut. This setback, which could have been catastrophic, has become an urgent challenge for the entire team. The objective: to replace the mast and damaged equipment within an extremely tight deadline, while ensuring the financing of this operation.

A first abnormal boom followed by a second

Romain Attanasio, an experienced skipper, described the incident: “While we were preparing the manoeuvre as we approached the Hervé Laurent course mark of the 48-hour Défi Azimut, we felt the boat hit, then heard a first abnormal boom followed by a second. Adrien, our Boat Captain, who was at the back, saw the Défi Azimut flag pass in front of him and then the mast fall. When I came out of the cockpit, I saw the mast in the water, broken and I stood there with my arms dangling, I didn’t know what to do, I thought it couldn’t be possible!” This scene plunged the sailor into disbelief in the face of a complex situation, just a few weeks before the start of the Vendée Globe.

An investigation to understand the origin of the dismasting

As soon as they returned to the quay, Romain Attanasio’s technical team set about determining the causes of this dismasting. Initial findings suggest that the breakage of the lower shroud could be the cause of the accident.

As Romain explains: “Our initial findings lead us to believe that the lower shroud has broken, but we are awaiting the conclusions of the expert who should be here during the day.” Despite the seriousness of the situation, the team is not completely helpless. The proximity of the technical base in and the possibility of acting quickly on the repairs are favourable factors. “This dismasting is a real setback and yet in our misfortune, we were a bit lucky that it happened during the Challenge, in Lorient, where our technical base is, and a little less than two months before the start of the Vendée Globe,” the skipper emphasises.

A technical challenge to be met in a tight time frame

Beyond the material damage, it is the urgency of the schedule that complicates the situation. Replacing a mast, recovering lost equipment and preparing the boat for the Vendée Globe in a few weeks is a real headache.

However, Romain Attanasio and his team are not letting themselves get down: “More combative than ever. Whether it’s the team or me, no one is down. We know that the challenge to be at the start of the Vendée Globe is going to be complicated, that in a short space of time we have two big files to manage.”

The solidarity of other racing teams and the maritime community is already proving crucial in the search for solutions.

“I believe in the solidarity of seafarers and many teams have already offered their help and equipment. We have solutions,” adds Romain, confident in the ability to overcome the technical challenges.

A financial challenge of 500,000 euros

The real challenge for the Fortinet – Best Western team, however, remains financial. With an estimate of more than 500,000 euros to cover the repairs, the operation is far beyond the team’s current capabilities. Although the project partners are still present, raising additional funds quickly is essential to guarantee participation in the Vendée Globe.

“If my partners are and remain more than ever at my side, this operation amounts to more than 500,000 euros; a substantial sum which exceeds our current financial capacities and the additional help that our partners can provide us”, confides Romain, thus emphasizing the need to find new support.

A race against time before the start of the Vendée Globe

To address these obstacles, an action plan has been put in place. The priority is to find a new mast, and for this, the team can count on several serious proposals from other teams. However, without funding, these solutions remain out of reach.

“The first step is to find a mast. Thanks to the help of the other teams I have several serious proposals but not yet the financing,” says Romain.

The team is also actively working on finding sponsors and has even launched an online kitty to solicit the public’s generosity. At the same time, partners are exploring all avenues to help with funding and the media are being called upon to provide the team with the necessary visibility. The Vendée Globe press conference, scheduled for September 19, could also mark a decisive turning point in this quest for funds.

Unwavering determination

Despite the scale of the challenge, Romain Attanasio remains optimistic and determined to overcome all barriers to be at the start of the Vendée Globe on November 10.

As he says: “The race against time begins, we’ll see you now on November 10th at the starting line of the 10th edition of the Vendée Globe.”

With a united team, committed partners and the support of the maritime community, the skipper remains hopeful that his IMOCA Fortinet – Best Western will join the other boats in Port Olona for one of the greatest maritime adventures in the world.

A participatory kitty has been launched : https://www.leetchi.com/fr/c/romain-attanasio-au-depart-du-vendee-globe-2024-9131842?utm_Source=copylink&utm_medium=social_sharing&fbclid=IwY2xjawFVB-5leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHTX7Dmf4Uoq4N-tvIhOWDJ8fPlk QsB1FXxcC-Qa5J1tcXEWKgzfefjBoIQ_aem_Txmu2SOy1I9i141aShBudw

Source press release

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