Adjustments to the school map in Morbihan

Adjustments to the school map in Morbihan
Adjustments to the school map in Morbihan

As during the departmental social administration committees (CSAD) of September 5 and 16, there was a unanimous vote by the unions (SNUIPP, FSU, FO, Sud Éducation, CGT Éducation Sgen CFDT) against the school map, this Monday, September 16 at the Departmental Committee of National Education which was held at the prefecture in in the presence of the Secretary General of National Education Stéphane Charpentier, Stéphane Jarlegand, sub-prefect of Vannes and representatives of the municipalities and parents of students. The following votes were counted: 14 against (the unions, the representatives of the parents of students and two elected officials, Simon Uzenat and Alain Caris) and six for.

“We are reinforcing educational inequalities”

Ewen Saliou, from the SNUIPP union, highlighted the deteriorating working conditions due to a lack of sufficient openings: “We no longer have support to deal with educational difficulties. With 25 students per class when we teach in multilevel or bilingual, it becomes difficult. Added to this is the budgetary context with an under-resourced National Education system… We are reinforcing educational inequalities.”

The unions also deplore the situation of replacements which is becoming more complicated in Morbihan: “Five colleagues are leaving for a year’s training to teach Breton. To replace them, the administration is taking from the pool of replacements, which means five fewer positions for the daily,” says Ewen Saliou. Another element denounced by the SNUIPP is the use of contract workers to “fill the gaps”, around forty this year who are due to arrive in the public primary education system, compared to around twenty last year and four or five five years ago.

One positive factor is, however, noted: the increase in the number of 2-year-olds, a “good signal for the future”, but which does not make us forget the current demographic decline. The forecasts, which will be refined in November, indicate a decrease of 300 students in the first public level compared to last year. For the SNUIPP, the situation of the public school is almost “devastated” in the East of the department. “In Vannes, there is no sufficiently strong political will from the city to develop the public school”, the union also notes.

The openings

Eight new openings: Le Palais, 5th class; Theix, Marie-Curie, 3rd bilingual class; Brandivy, 5th class; Roudoualec, 2nd class; , Keroman (elementary), 5th class; Nouvelle ville (elementary), reopening of the 3rd class; Carentoir, 5th class; Concoret, reopening of the 3rd class; Nivillac (nursery), 4th class.

Five conditional openings confirmed: Hennebont, Jean-Macé (bilingual), 2nd class; Inzinzac-Lochrist, La Forgerine (elementary bilingual), 1st class; Quéven, Anatole- (elementary bilingual), 2nd class; Pontivy, Jules-Ferry, 9th class; Saint-Avé, Anita-Conti, 11th class.

Two conditional openings not carried out : Lorient, Merville (bilingual elementary), 3rd class; Ploemeur, Marcel-Pagnol (bilingual elementary), 2nd class.

Openings cancelled : Campénéac, bilingual, 1st class and return to a half-post.

The closures

Four new closures: Lorient, du Château (elementary), 13th class; Saint-Avé, Julie-Daubié, 14th class; Vannes, Kerniol, closure of the half-station; Armorique, 9th class.

Eight conditional closures cancelled : Quiberon, 7th class; Baden, 9th class; Quéven, Anatole-France (elementary), 7th class; Calan, 6th class; Guiscriff, 4th class; Ploemeur-Lomener, Kerroch, 8th class; Pluméliau-Bieuzy, Simone-Veil, 7th class; Vannes, Tohannic, 6th class.

Seven conditional closures confirmed : Inzinzac-Lochrist, La Forgerine (elementary), 5th class; Locmaria-Grand-Champ, 8th class; Le Faouët, 5th class; Lorient, Merville (nursery), 4th class; Bisson (elementary), 7th class; Guer, Schoelcher, 8th class; Vannes, Jules-Ferry (elementary), 4th class.



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