9,320 people fined after the banned rave party at Quimper airport

9,320 people fined after the banned rave party at Quimper airport
9,320 people fined after the banned rave party at Quimper airport

More than 9,000 people were fined for their participation in a banned rave party on the Quimper airport site last weekend, the prosecutor’s office and the Finistère prefecture announced on Wednesday.

In total, 9,320 people had to pay a fine of 135 euros for “participating in a prohibited gathering”, according to a press release. The police also noted 3,320 offenses for “dangerous parking on an aerodrome and near the site”, also punishable by a fine of 135 euros with the withdrawal of three points from the driving license.

340 m3 of sound systems seized

Only a handful of “rabblers” therefore escaped fines, the authorities estimating that more than 9,500 people participated in this rave on the Pluguffan airport platform, near Quimper, whose commercial activity has been interrupted since November.

The gendarmes also seized approximately 340 m3 of “sound systems” (sound walls, mixing tables, turntables, light devices, lasers, synthesizers), i.e. the “majority” of those used during the rave, which had a dozen scenes spread across the airport tarmac and lawn.

Narcotics and cash were also seized.

Finally, 68 people were “interviewed for organizing, or complicity in organizing, an illegal assembly”, according to the same Source, which does not specify the number of people prosecuted.

130,000 euros of damage

The amount of damage committed during the musical gathering was estimated at 130,000 euros, according to the press release which mentions “numerous damages to the infrastructure”, the airport grounds “forced in many places” and “security equipment damaged” such as runway lighting and weather stations.

The Brittany region, the local chamber of commerce and industry and Météo France intend to file a complaint, according to the same Source.

Original article published on BFMTV.com



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