Antique dealers prepare for the Lille flea market

Antique dealers prepare for the Lille flea market

A few days before the launch of the Lille flea market, scheduled for Saturday, September 14, antique dealers are busy. Some are taking stock of the objects in their possession before taking up position at their stand.

Starting this Saturday, September 14, the Lille flea market will kick off. On the occasion of this highly anticipated meeting for bargain hunters, antique dealers prepare and take stock of their merchandise before setting up.

In Wervicq-Sud (North), Éric Maçon, co-manager of Décobroc, is putting his window back in order. There are coins, medals and even small collector cars. Objects that sell easily at the flea market.

“Usually, we leave empty-handed with this display case. We sell almost everything. It’s both children and collectors who have found the little car that was missing from their collection,” he tells BFM Grand Lille.

The antique dealer does not limit himself to this small window. While tidying up his store, he puts objects aside in a room dedicated to the sale. The place is full of treasures.

“There are even little trinkets for two euros, inkwells… In the boxes, there must be postcards, games, cars, advertising objects… There really is everything,” he lists.

Some objects have been kept in crates for several months, sometimes allowing him to rediscover them with customers.

A business in festive times

These trinkets will be sold for between 5 and forty euros. By participating in the Lille flea market, Éric Maçon’s goal is to lighten the store’s stock and sell as many small objects as possible.

“We are trying to make a significant turnover based on the energy, the space paid for at the Lille town hall. We are trying to do better than a store opening weekend,” he adds.

Beyond business, the antique dealer is attracted to the Lille event because of its festive side. A little over two million visitors are expected to take part over the weekend.

Morgane Dubeau with Mélanie Hennebique


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