After making her debut in front of the cameras in 2021, Nava Mau saw her career take off three years later thanks to her role in “My Little Reindeer”, which was a hit on Netflix. In this mini-series based on a true story, the 32-year-old Mexican plays Teri, a trans woman who lives a romance with the main character, Donny Dunn, played by Scottish actor Richard Gadd.
A transgender person herself in real life, Nava was immediately excited by the idea of playing this character who lives a real love story with a cisgender man. “It still makes me emotional. I just remember a moment when I first read the script and I was like, “Oh, he really loved it.” Donny’s love for Teri comes in the form of wonder, and I had never seen a trans woman represented in this way,” confides the actress in “Cosmopolitan” of which she is on the cover. This role, very symbolic in her eyes, even had a therapeutic effect on her: “It was a strange and transcendental experience, it was what I needed to see and it was also what was needed to heal my own wounds.”
Nava has often been hurt by the prejudices and false beliefs that circulate about those who have changed their gender. “There is such a fixation in society and in the media on trans people and who dates us and who is attracted to us,” she says. It’s strange, because this fixation presupposes that transgender people should be responsible for explaining and answering all the questions and curiosities of cisgender people, but it also presupposes that trans people must have this fixation as well.
And Nava clarifies: “I am not a curiosity for myself. We just live a full life, a real life, like everyone else.” And added: “It’s about seeing trans people as human beings and valuing us for our humanity, and not as a symbol, simply because we are trans.”
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