THE DISAPPEARANCE OF JOSEF MENGELE Based on the eponymous book by Olivier Guez, Renaudot Prize 2017, published by Editions Grasset Adaptation and acting: Mikaël Chirinian Direction: Benoit Giros Sound creation: Isabelle Fuchs Costume and scenography creation: Sarah Leterrier Lighting creation : Julien Ménard General management: Eric Schoenzetter With: Mikaël Chirinian One of the greatest manhunts at the end of the 20th century. 1949: Josef Mengele arrives in Buenos Aires. Hidden under a false identity, the former Auschwitz torture doctor believes he can invent a new life. The Argentina of Juan and Evita Perón is benevolent, the whole world wants to forget the Nazi crimes. It is the wandering of Josef Mengele in South America until his mysterious death on a beach in Brazil in 1979. How was the SS doctor able to slip through the cracks for thirty years and enjoy such impunity? Adapted from the work of Olivier Guez, The Disappearance of Josef Mengele is the true novel of his post-war run, one of the greatest manhunts of the end of the 20th century. An incredible dive into the heart of darkness. Duration: 1h15 Warning: from 14 years old LA PRESSE EN PARLE: TELERAMA “TT Favorite” L’EYE D’OLIVIER “A masterpiece that resonates strongly” LE PARISIEN “Powerful and necessary” LA TERRASSE “Text remarkable, gripping interpretation. A piece not to be missed.” ARMELLE HELIOT “Only one excellent on stage. Mikaël Chirinian confirms his powerful art.” L’HUMANITE “A punchy piece, always useful.”
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