DayFR Euro

The price of milk paid by Lactalis to French farmers increased by 3.2% in 2024

The price of milk paid by Lactalis to French farmers increased by 3.2% in 2024 and should increase further in 2025, indicated the group, owner of the Président, Lactel and Bridel brands. Last year, the total average price paid to producers for all types of cow’s milk combined and for all industrial outlets reached 479 euros per 1,000 liters, compared to 464 in 2023. For milk transformed into dairy products consumed in , part of the total collection of 5 billion liters in France, the price was even 504 euros for 1,000 liters, compared to 487 euros in 2023, i.e. +3.5%. For organic milk, the price increased to 508 euros for 1,000 liters despite a “difficult context” of sales “in retreat”indicates Lactalis. Goat’s milk was paid at 904 euros per 1,000 liters (+1.0%), according to the group, which claims the title of the world’s leading dairy group.

Remuneration of dairy producers “expected to continue to increase in 2025”assures the group, with an increase in the price of milk of between 20 and 30 euros per 1,000 liters “on average”. Lactalis announced at the end of September that it was going to reduce its milk collection in France, and therefore soon separate itself from around 300 suppliers, with the aim of paying better for each tonne of milk – a gradual reduction of almost 9% of the volume collected in France. The group says it wants “continue in 2025” the consultations “to find new outlets for the producers concerned” and indicates having worn the “period of notice to end the relationship” from the 12 months initially planned to 18 months. The general manager of the dairy giant argued in mid-December that “solutions are being found” for the “almost all” breeders affected by a loss of contract. “We are confident that we will find outlets for all of these producers concerned”added the leader.


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