Philippe Geluck, renowned cartoonist and humorist, notably for his famous comic strip Le Chat, revealed an astonishing anecdote during his appearance on the Télématin show. Coming to promote his book “Everything is true”, he confided that he was, in a way, Céline Dion’s neighbor more than 20 years ago.
A prestigious neighbor
“She was more like my neighbor”specified Philippe Geluck. He remembered that “In the early 2000s, when she was rehearsing her show for Las Vegas, financed by Franco Dragone, she came to live not far from him. They wanted to start rehearsals.”. The Quebec singer’s team “found a sumptuous house 400 meters from home” Philippe Geluck. Although the Belgian artist never personally met Celine Dion, he was nevertheless able to obtain some juicy information on the interior design of her luxurious home. Indeed, Philippe Geluck and the star had something unexpected in common: the same supplier of household appliances, a certain “Mr. Gaston.
Surprising revelations
This salesman, visibly marked by this prestigious client, did not fail to share a few details with Philippe Geluck. “She had four giant screen televisions installed in the house.”revealed the comedian on the set of France 2, before adding with his characteristic humor: “Oh well yes, it’s a minimum.” This anecdote (…)
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