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Bellevigne-en-Layon. The Thouarçonautes organize themselves to liven up the commune

The Thouarçonautes held their general assembly on Friday, November 29, at the Douves hall in Thouarcé. The members of the office presented the report on the year’s festivities (Carnival and Thouarcé Libéré) and the financial report of the association. During this meeting, the volunteers reviewed the important moments of the different events. To continue the activities, they looked towards 2025. At the end of the year, residents will meet on Sunday December 22, around a Christmas event and an exhibitors’ market. The locations are free, merchants and artisans can contact the organizing committee to participate.

Concerning the next carnival, which will take place on Saturday April 26, on the theme of “delicacies”, the first preparations have already started.

Other projects are also on the table (Halloween evening, night hike with the League Against Cancer) and other ideas have also been mentioned for future years (tac tic competition, sustainable development day, intervillage games, etc.)

At the end of the meeting, the election of the members of the office took place: president Stanis Guillon; vice-president Philippe Mailler; secretary Thierry Dénimal; assistant secretary Cécile Roudaut; treasurer Samuel Durgeaud; assistant treasurer Perrine Guillon. The commission leaders are: communications Hervé Dolbeau, Christmas entertainment Stanis Guillon, Carnival Gaëtan Guédon.

For participation in the Christmas market, 06 62 34 92 92 or 06 09 75 32 10.


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