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tribute to Aline Rolland, the Caméo will broadcast her favorite film

Aline Rolland, who directed the Caméo cinemas in Nancy, died on June 27 at the age of 60. The Caméo Commanderie will pay tribute to him on July 4, the day of the funeral, by showing one of his favorite films.

The disappearance of a Nancy figure of auteur cinema leaves the current Caméo team speechless.Aline Rolland has left“, these first words smack like a slap in the email received by the editorial staff.

And added: “In the city, everyone knew her. Aline Rolland was a fighter for getting what she thought was right, but her temperament did not succeed in knocking out the fulminating illness that showed up just a few weeks ago. In a message she sent us at the end of last April, she wrote about her new life in Le Mans: “Everything is sensational!”. The sadness of telling herself that she will no longer benefit from it is softened by the idea of ​​having known how happy she was in the West, with her family, her friends.

Aline Rolland took up the torch following Michel Humbert in 2008, another defender of the cause and another great figure in the cultural life of Nancy. She had been part of the Art et Essai commission within the union of Art de Répertoire et d’Essai cinemas (Scare).

Nancy loses a great cultural professional” reacted Bertrand Masson, deputy for culture in the city of Nancy.

Moviegoers are in mourning, and the cats of the world are meowing for their greatest friend.

The Caméo Commanderie cinema will pay tribute to him on the day of his funeral, July 4 at 4 p.m., by showing one of his favorite films: “Que la fête commence”, a film by Bertrand Tavernier with Philippe Noiret, Jean Rochefort, Jean-Pierre Marielle.

The session will be accessible with free entry, subject to availability, and a guestbook will be made available.


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