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Manu Chao to release new album in September

Seventeen years later The Radio, the 63-year-old singer announced the release of Long live you, an album in four languages ​​which talks about “precariousness and its dangers”.

The big return of Manu Chao. The singer published on Wednesday São Paulo Motoboya previously unreleased tribute single “to all those couriers from São Paulo who risk their lives every day on two wheels in the great metropolis”, we can read on the official website of the Franco-Spaniard. A new album will be released in the fall, 17 years later The Radiohis latest album to date.

“Soon next album “Viva Tu” to be released on September 20, 2024”welcomed the singer, musician and traveler on his website, just one month after putting online a first single, also titled Long live you.

The thirteen songs that make up the disc were written “at the heart of the singer’s travels”. He sings there “precariousness and its dangers, the self-sacrifice of its daily surviving workers on merciless journeys”, we can read on its website. A subject that Manu Chao, 63, has never discussed but which is not so foreign to him: before fame and international success, he himself was a courier in the streets of Paris.

These pieces, which address “the state of the current world, factual or virtual”, will be performed in four different languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and French, the artist’s native language. To carry out this project, Manu Chao invited several distinguished guests, starting with the American Willie Nelson present on the upcoming title Heaven’s Bad Day. The French singer Laeti, known for her hit Ride all nightwill come and perform the song You leave.

Symbol of the committed song

Manu Chao’s return to the forefront has been awaited by fans since 2007, the year during which he unveiled his latest album, entitled The Radio. Before this date, the singer released three studio albums: Siberia was told to me in 2004 and Next station: Hope in 2001. Also Clandestine, in 1998, his first solo record, a mixture of reggae, rock, raï and samba which allowed him to become legendary after his success in a group with Mano Negra, a few years earlier.

After millions of copies sold, he pursued a career under the radar, continuing to perform, very discreetly, all over the world. Symbol of committed song whose titles continue to accompany numerous demonstrations, companion of numerous social struggles, Manu Chao also accompanied the first steps in Spanish of generations of college students, who worked on the lyrics of I like youa title featured on his second album, which alone has accumulated hundreds of millions of views on platforms.


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