DayFR Euro

when middle-class tenants suffer the purchasing power crisis

Published on 06/27/2024 at 11:20 a.m.

Written by Céline Brégand

Inflation and the rise in rental charges following increases in energy prices are weighing on household budgets, even those of the middle classes. In Oise, Hélène, on disability, and Jean-Pierre, retired, are very careful with their spending and no longer allow themselves any pleasure.

There are no more pleasure purchases, no more vacations, no leisure activities, no restaurants. […] I count absolutely everything.“Hélène, on disability since 2017, is no longer able to cope despite resources amounting to just over €2,000 per month. Tenant of an apartment in Compiègne (Oise), she must face an increase without precedent for its provision of charges. Its rent thus increased from €800 to €1,040 in a few years.

Added to this are increasingly significant regularizations of charges. “In 2020, I owed them €122. In 2021, €994. And in 2022, €1,451. We want to cry. It’s impossible to pay all at once.“Hélène therefore asked her landlord for a timetable. A request for which she has still not received a response. A few days ago, she even received a letter of formal notice.

As soon as I find an interesting promotion, I take advantage of it.

Hélène, tenant of an apartment in Compiègne

In order to pay off part of her debts each month, she must count everything. “I establish a monthly budget. I receive roughly monthly payments on all my bills. […] As soon as I find an interesting promotion, I take advantage of it. I also try to take advantage of the cashback system“, explains Hélène. She also cuts back on her diet by eliminating red meat and fish or even hot water, which she only uses on rare occasions.

The goal is to stick to my budget and above all to be at zero at the end of the month“, summarizes Hélène, who is very worried about her future. In the event of unforeseen expenses, and without money aside, she is afraid of finding herself “blocked“. She therefore decided to join the CLCV (Consommation Logement Cadre de Vie) association, which supports consumers, because she is unable to pay her debts.

We are very concerned about debt which no longer only concerns the most modest people, but which is starting to affect so-called middle categories.

Jean-Marie Brignon, departmental treasurer CLCV Oise

The CLCV observes this increase in charges and its consequences on a daily basis. Since the Covid health crisis, the situation has only gotten worse, particularly in 2022 and 2023. With the energy crisis, the housing item is the one that has increased the most due to the rise in heating prices and hot water, not to mention food and fuel.

We are very concerned about debt which no longer only concerns the most modest people, particularly HLM tenants, but which is starting to affect so-called middle categories. Around 40% of tenants have had at least one arrears in the year 2023“, explains Jean-Marie Brignon, CLCV Oise departmental treasurer.

And even the wealthy classes are starting to feel the effects of inflation on their daily lives. With a very comfortable pension of more than €4,000 per month, Jean-Pierre Théry thought he would live happily in his residence in Senlis (Oise). That was without taking into account an increase in his bills and a significant regularization of charges, which he disputes.

Living in his apartment since 2008, Jean-Pierre Théry has done his calculations. In 16 years, its costs have increased by more than 56%. Its energy bills have exploded: +144% between 2008 and 2024. And its rent has increased from €743 to €987. At the same time, his pension only increased by 13%.

My life is concentrated in the apartment, it saves expenses.

Jean-Pierre Théry, retired and tenant of an apartment in Senlis

This civil service retiree and his wife, who only receives a very small pension, must now restrict themselves and make choices. Not only on food, but also on a daily basis, in the house. “We pay more attention to the use of electricity, I try to turn off as many devices as possible in the evening and we try to choose off-peak periods to run certain machines“, he illustrates. The couple is also vigilant about their water consumption, and particularly hot water.

The leisure center also suffers. No more cinema and cycling for Jean-Pierre. “My life is concentrated in the apartment, that avoids expenses.“The couple also gave up their vacation.”We had a mobile home for 33 years. I used to go away for about six months a year, but in 2018 I stopped. The cost had become excessive. We had €8,000 for land rental per year, not including travel costs.“, he explains.

Despite the difficulties, Jean-Pierre today wants to help his neighbors in their fight against this increase in charges, because he considers himself, despite everything, luckier than others.

Avec Camille Di Crescenzo / FTV


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