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Summer Solstice in June Brings Best Season Ever to 2 Star Signs

It’s almost that time of year when a new season begins. It is the solstice of Thursday June 20, 2024 which will mark with this astronomical event the end of a rainy and cold spring and the arrival of summer and higher temperatures, but not only that.

If this day, long awaited by some, announces “cherry time”, it is also accompanied by the arrival of the Cancer season, a zodiacal constellation with sensitive and protective energy. For two astrological signs, this moment will constitute the beginning of a period full of good energy and luck. Do you want to know what signs these are?

Astro: what astral energy will the summer solstice 2024 bring us?

The word solstice comes from Latin and means “still sun”. It designates the time of year when the king of the galaxy is highest in the sky and gives rise to the sunniest day in the northern hemisphere. From an astronomical point of view, it is the official transition from one season to the next. But from an astrological point of view, its meaning is crucial for the morale of the 12 signs of the zodiac.

The influence of this moment will be like a summary of how the three months that make up summer will unfold for each of us. In the case of 2024, at the time of the summer solstice, we will have the Moon in Sagittarius, which from now on will help us with its optimism to see the glass half full. On the other hand, Neptune will connect with the Sun, raising questions that we will want to clarify before fall arrives. For its part, the planet Mars will be connected to Mercury, which will encourage us to align our actions with our promises for a summer full of accomplishments.

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Horoscope: which astrological signs will have a great summer thanks to the solstice of June 20, 2024?

Here is a moment celebrated across the world, which will bring good news and the promise of three months of cheerfulness to two signs of the zodiac, who will be able to start celebrating summer in complete serenity. Do you want to know if yours is one of them?


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The summer 2024 predictions for your sign, Dear Crab, are superb! From now on, you will begin your astral season of the year, which will be placed under the sign of joy and good humor. But that’s not all, since summer promises to be bright and full of necessary changes for you. You can expect moments of pleasure in society, but also good professional prospects. You’ll never want this summer to end!


crédit photo : shutterstock

The summer solstice 2024 will put you in tune with your own expression and with your deepest desires. This means that something fundamental and sparkling will awaken within you, activating your creativity and brilliance. The coming season will be a time of great adventures, where your wilder side will whisper in your ear how to make your dreams come true. Listen to your sensitivity, it will guide you towards pleasure, romance and personal fulfillment!

The summer solstice is a major celebration in some cultures

All over the world, since the beginning of humanity, cultures have revered the sun and the season when we feel its beneficial warmth most. The latter is essential to life in our galaxy, and would even help us absorb essential vitamins.

So, in ancient Greece, this holiday was so popular that even slaves were allowed to celebrate it. In northern European cultures, she was commemorated as part of a pagan festival called Litha. In most ancient civilizations, during this astronomical event, the earth was worshiped which bears all its fruits during this period… In France, the music festival is a kind of celebration of this type… Spiritual disciplines advise celebrating this day to be grateful for the simple things that life offers us and to start the summer with good vibes.


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