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our selection of the week in and surrounding areas

Antoine Guerrero, born in in 1996, trained in Seville and at the CNSM in .

Aurélien Lam

Bordeaux/. For the first Concert-tôt of the season, Polifonia Éliane Lavail invited Antoine Guerrero, born in Bordeaux in 1996, trained in Seville and at the CNSM in Paris and winner of 12 international prizes. He will perform pieces by the Spaniards Rodrigo and Asencio, the Franco-Polish Tansman, the Italian Castelnuovo-Tedesco and the Argentinian Guastavino.

Wednesday at 7 p.m., Chartreuse Saint-André in Caudéran and Thursday at 2:15 p.m., Simone Signoret room in Cenon. 10 euros.

Mendelssohn and Schubert by the Zadig Trio

The new Zadig Trio with from left to right Guillaume Vincent, Miclen LaiPang and Marc Girard Garcia.

Amaury Viduvier

Saint-Émilion. It is a familiar ensemble from the Grandes Heures but cellist Marc Girard Garcia remains the only founder. Violinist Miclen LaiPang replaced Boris Borgolotto and, while waiting for pianist Guillaume Vincent to replace Ian Barber, Théo Fouchenneret will play the brilliant Trios No. 2 by Mendelssohn and Schubert.

Concert followed by tasting, Thursday at 8:30 p.m. at Château Figeac. 37 euros, 18 euros for children and students.

The Voce Quartet with orchestra

The municipality of Quinsac invites the Voce Quartet which is celebrating its 20th anniversary.

Lyodoh Kaneko

Quinsac. Like every year, the municipality of Quinsac invites the Voce Quartet which is celebrating its 20th anniversary and will play Mendelssohn’s moving Opus 80 with its new cellist, Arthur Heuel, born in 1997. But this year it will be accompanied by an entire string orchestra trained of his students at the Haute École de musique de Genève and some friendly soloists to play Tchaikovsky’s Serenade under the direction of Genevan Judith Baubérot.

Friday at 8:30 p.m. at the church. Free.

Cello duo at the Music Machine

Laurence Dufour and Etienne Péclard

C. P.

Bordeaux. Since retiring from ONBA principal cello, Étienne Péclard has not been idle! With Laurence Dufour who succeeded him at the Bordeaux Conservatory, he will create a new duo of his own composition, entitled “Émotions”. We will also hear duets by the Italian Alfredo Piatti (1822-1901), “the Paganini of the cello”, and others by Offenbach that Étienne Péclard recorded in 1985 with Roland Pidoux.

Saturday at 5 p.m., 13 rue du Parlement Sainte-Catherine. FREE ENTRANCE.

The Traveling Choir at Library Night

The Traveling Choir for the Johnny symphony concert.

DAVID Thierry / SO

Bordeaux. The Choeur Voyageur, which has just celebrated its 20th anniversary, will sing the great tunes of cinema on Saturday at the Mériadeck Library under the direction of Alexis Duffaure. But the concert planned for the next day at the Sainte-Geneviève church with the venerable Cercle choral dacquois, a men’s choir founded in in 1886, was postponed to Sunday November 10 at 3 p.m.


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