A critic doesn’t mince his words about Elisabeth Rioux’s documentary series
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A critic doesn’t mince his words about Elisabeth Rioux’s documentary series

Elisabeth Rioux had a problem with another journalist in connection with her documentary, and he did not beat around the bush in his criticism.

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Elisabeth Rioux is at the heart of discussions in Quebec as she opens up more than ever through her new documentary Elisabeth Rioux: No filterand this door that she opens onto her personal life is not always welcomed in the best possible way.

While she has just responded with humor to a journalist who made fun of her success, the influencer is the target of another derogatory comment about her projects. A columnist who watched her series did not hesitate to share what he thought of it, frank in his very negative criticism.

The journalist deplores Elisabeth Rioux’s lifestyle, which he sums up as a daily life with “a lot of pressure”, working “hard on her photos”, but which is difficult to “pity while she locks herself in the luxurious room of a villa in Milan”. Disappointed not to have seen more twists and turns, he also attacks the family of the Hoaka creator, calling them irrelevant despite their involvement in the company. All this comes just after the influencer implored people to stop criticizing her family on the podcast Between her and him.

His harsh words unfortunately find an echo in the comments of the columnist’s Facebook post, with Internet users expressing their disappointment in a series which, according to them, lacks content and is too staged.

On the other hand, her friends and colleagues in the world of influence are there to support her, all admiring her business success and her journey strewn with pitfalls.

One thing is certain, Elisabeth is creating a buzz at the moment, and her media tour is no picnic!

SEE ALSO: 10 sublime looks from Elisabeth Rioux in 2023


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