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Soon a new baby for Céline Saffré (Large families)? She answers

Is Céline Saffré ready to expand her family after the birth of her tenth child? She answered in an Instagram story on September 20, 2024.

Large families / TF1 screenshot

Céline Saffré became known by participating in the show Large families, life in XXLon TF1. Since then, it is on her Instagram account that she regularly gives news of her large tribe. Mother of ten children, the latter is not idle. On July 29, 2024, little Agathe showed the tip of her nose, to the great joy of her parents. “Our little rocket came to enlarge our wonderful family in just 3 hours. Everyone is fine, we are in awe of this little marvel. We will introduce her to you very soon.” she declared in a story.

Céline Saffré (Large Families) ready to expand her tribe?

On September 18 and 19, 2024, Céline Saffré took part in a fun Q&A, again on Instagram. The opportunity to let it be known once and for all whether she still wants to expand her family in the years to come. “The question that keeps coming back” she first wrote before adding: “We don’t know what tomorrow holds. We live day by day and enjoy our family to the fullest.” If it is not on the agenda, the door does not seem to be completely closed.

A hard blow for Augustin… Fortunately, Céline Saffré (Large Families) does not lack resources

In the meantime, the former candidate of Large families, life in XXLenjoys her youngest, while taking care of the older ones. Concerning Augustin, her ninth baby, Céline Saffré, who encountered a little difficulty, confided that she had difficulty finding him a place in a nursery and prefers to leave the place to the others. “I would have a hard time taking the place of someone who really needs it or a working mother who needs childcare. It’s out of the question.” she said. A hard blow all the same for her son, who loves being in contact with his friends. Fortunately, his mother always has a solution: “I’ll take him to the games library and start this little ritual again.” That should please the little boy!


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