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Koh-Lanta 2024: Three eliminated, one abandoned… Nothing is going well in the game!

After Lola’s elimination last week, everything is turned upside down in Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Tribe ! This Tuesday, September 17, 2024, TF1 broadcasts the fifth episode of the survival game. And this last one marks a turning point: Nathanaël, Vanessa, Mélissa and Emmanuelle will leave the cursed island but not necessarily to join the adventure. Finally, another adventurer is eliminated at the council, like every week. Summary of this new issue.

The Cursed Tribe is over in Koh-Lanta!

A message of the utmost importance has arrived on the island of the cursed tribe: the four castaways will leave this place! But not everything is rosy… Indeed, two of them will join a tribe while the other two will be definitively eliminated. Nathanaël, Emmanuelle, Mélissa and Vanessa thus find themselves facing Denis Brogniart in order to compete in a test that should decide between them.

They all have a disk with pegs. The goal is to place a wooden piece on each peg, there are nine in total. As soon as a piece falls, you must first replace it before putting another one. The first two are qualified. Melissa is the first to qualify, then Emmanuelle follows the same path. Nathanaël and Vanessa, the mother of three children, are therefore definitively eliminated. Mélissa and Emmanuelle return to the adventure with each an individual immunity necklace. This jewel can be used until reunification and is not transferable.

Abandonment just before the comfort game

The two teams join Denis Brogniart on the beach to play the comfort game. The reds arrive with a disadvantage: Gustin and Alexandre are weakened. The yellows return without Lola. Everyone is gathered to welcome the adventurers of the cursed tribe. Melissa chooses to go to Frédéric’s yellows, Emmanuelle therefore joins Ugo’s reds.

Even before the start of the event, Alexander speaks and announces that he is giving up. Koh-Lanta ! He indicates that he underestimated the adventure and thought carefully before making this decision. The candidate therefore leaves the game. And as the rule requires, in the event of an abandonment, there is no replacement.

The goal of the event is as follows: the entire team must take turns reaching a platform located at the end of a beam in the middle of the ocean. Due to a draw, Emmanuelle and Cassandre do not play for the reds. Michel, Ilyesse and Fabrice do not play for the yellows. This is therefore the seventh consecutive black ball for Cassandre, the author of 5 novels, who thus sets a new record ! The Reds are more effective on the beam and take the victory !

The reward is a dream come true. On the program, a magnificent swimming pool with a sumptuous view, a banana milkshake, a moment of relaxation before a dinner with chicken, cheese and many other appetizing dishes. All before a night in a large family room.

While the reds are enjoying their reward, among the yellows, Michel and Ilyesse are feeling a bit down…

Immunity Test and Strategies

Each team faces eight stones placed underwater, the last one being placed 25 meters away. They must create a relay of six to go as fast as possible and bring all the stones back to the pontoon.

To ensure fairness, a draw is set up. For the reds, Cécile and Sarah do not play. This is the first time that Cassandre has a chance to compete in the event! For the yellows, Thibault, Michel and Fabrice. This is the fifth black ball for Michel who does not take it badly because he is not comfortable in aquatic events.

The two teams are neck and neck but it is ultimately the reds who win the victorynotably thanks to the lifeguard Gustin and Cassandre.

Back at camp, the yellows discuss their failure. And take the opportunity to talk strategy as the council approaches! Melissa’s name is mentioned. She is the last to arrive and some have the impression that she will not play her immunity necklace.

Among the reds, despite the victory, some tensions are felt. Sarah can’t stand Gustin anymore… and vice versa.

Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Tribe: advice and elimination

The yellow team joins Denis Brogniart at the council. Michel has the opportunity to talk about his lack of energy due to hunger. Finally, everyone votes according to their conscience. After that, it’s time to count the votes. But first, Mélissa chooses to play her immunity necklace, so the votes against her won’t be counted. Mélissa gets six votes against her, but that doesn’t change anything. Three ballots in Michel’s name are counted, so he is eliminated..


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