his daughter Anouchka sends him a tender message

his daughter Anouchka sends him a tender message

Alain Delon died on Sunday, August 18, 2024 at the age of 77 in his residence in Douchy, surrounded by his loved ones. His children paid tribute to him and this Thursday, September 5, 2024, Anouchka once again spoke on her Instagram account with a magnificent quote.

The emotion is still raw. On Sunday, August 18, 2024, the French woke up to sad news: the death of Alain Delon at the age of 88. It was in his residence in Douchy, surrounded by his loved ones that the actor took his last breath. Since then, tributes have continued to flow. Many fans went to Loiret to decorate the Guépard estate with flowers and quickly, it was his three children who came out of the silence.

Read also: Funeral of Alain Delon: united in grief, Anthony and Alain-Fabien Delon spotted in Douchy

Anthony Delon, the eldest of the group, was the first to pay tribute to their father. He posted a sober photo with the simple words: “RIP Dad”, then three black and white photos of the actor that he accompanied with the following caption: “The child never forgets, because he continues to live in us until our last breath.”

“You are everywhere I am”

Shortly after, it was Alain-Fabien who paid tribute to his late father. “‘Since this is your greatest and deepest regret. I know it. Come, I will take you to your father and mother. So that for the first time, finally, you can see them together’. Dad. Curtain down, beautiful eternal night. I know that up there you have found them, and that you are well there. I miss you so much. I love you Dad.”

And finally, it was Anouchka Delon who sent him tender words. And this Thursday, 5…

Read the rest of the article on Elle.fr

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