the new collection that will delight lovers of crime novels

the new collection that will delight lovers of crime novels

Attention fans of crime novels: a new edition of the works of Georges Simenon is now available at your newsagents. Here’s what you need to know about the collection “Le monde de Simenon”.

The third most translated French-speaking author in the world, Georges Simenon is an essential master of the crime novel. We owe him in particular Maigret, The Glass Cage or even The green shutters. Since this summer, he has been in the spotlight in a new collection entitled The world of Simenonlaunched by CMI France in partnership with The City Press et The WorldThis collection will consist of more than 70 volumes, all of which have covers illustrated by Jacques de Loustal.

La collection The world of Simenon is available for purchase from newsagents (sales period for each volume: 1 month), but also by subscription.

“The Passenger of the Polarlys”, a first volume already available

The first volume of the collection, The Polarlys Passenger has been available since August 21st at your local newsagents, for 2.99 euros. Perfect for lovers of detective stories, this plot tells the story of Marie Baron, found dead in Paris in an artist’s studio. At the same time, on the Norwegian coast, aboard the Polarys cargo ship, a police advisor is murdered. It doesn’t take much more to persuade Captain Petersen that the culprit of these two separate deaths is aboard his ship.

Note that like all the volumes in this collection (produced under the supervision of the author’s son, John Simenon), the book includes a file…


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