“Verdict”, Céline Saffré of Large Families worried about Augustin

“Verdict”, Céline Saffré of Large Families worried about Augustin
“Verdict”, Céline Saffré of Large Families worried about Augustin

The mother of ten children shared with her community that she was very worried about her son Augustin. In fact, her little one presents several breathing difficulties. She takes stock of the situation.

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It’s 2021, on the show Large family: life in XXLthat we discovered Céline Saffré and her tribe of ten children. In order to manage this merry band, the organization must be in charge! And on this subject, Céline Saffré knows a thing or two about it. Every day, she shares her system and her daily life, far from being easy, with her community Instagram of more than sixty-two thousand people. Between the little joys and the struggles, she makes no exception of any story or anecdote. The latest concerns her son Augustin, who is ill and a source of worry for the mother.

Augustin ill, Céline Saffré gives his news

On the morning of January 23, in his Instagram story, Céline Saffré confided to her community that she was very worried about her son Augustin. Indeed, in addition to a rise in fever, she discovered that her son was having real difficulty breathing. Neither one nor two, the mother made an appointment with the doctor. Lying motionless on the sofa, Céline Saffré filmed her little one and explained the situation: “We are on a little boy in PLS, watching cartoons. He doesn’t move around anymore, we have an appointment this evening at 6:45 p.m. with the doctor“, she described, before continuing: “There you go, we’ll see what he’ll tell us if we continue the Ventolin to soothe him. It digs enormously in the thorax. Endless coughing fits”. Céline Saffré therefore had to wait until the end of the day to decide on the situation.

The doctor’s diagnosis is in!

It was later in the day of January 23 that Céline Saffré spoke again on her account Instagram. On a white background, she draws up the diagnosis established by the doctor: “Verdict. Pneumonia for Augustin”. The next day, January 24, the mother shared a short video of her little one in story, pacifier in mouth in front of the television. She was able to provide additional information on her state of health and the treatment prescribed. : “His breathing is less difficult and he digs less in his chest. This little one started his antibiotics last night and slept pretty well”. Good news, especially after the very distressing surgical episode of Marcel, another of his sons, who had to have his tonsils removed recently.



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