If you do not know the tank of the two towers, it is because you are not quite Rochelais or that cultural life goes completely above your head. For 70 years, the oldest amateur theater company in the city, created in December 1954 by a former journalist from “Sud Ouest” and a teacher, has printed his paw and accumulated 143 pieces! A varied, popular repertoire, which loves all styles, from classic to contemporary, from playwright Molière to poet Jean-Pierre Siméon, with a certain taste for “moral comedies, funny and creaky, and who say something” sums up Joanick Jullien, emblematic director of the troop and actor, who joined the adventure over forty years ago.
It is an understatement to say that T2T (for friends) has been working from the very beginning for “a quality theater for the greatest number” with a certain idea of commitment: it was one of the founding members of the Culture that will become the passageway, played at the Avignon Festival in the “in” in tribute to Václav Havel (playwright and former President of the Czech Republic) and remains very active in many events to bring popular culture on the territory. The public gives it back to him with attic rooms.
Smart comedy
In short, very invested amateurs who want to play like professionals and take on their role very seriously. This is the case of Noémie Candiago, lawyer in life and actress in the company for ten years. “I didn’t want to make it my job but I was looking for an almost professional practice. We are amateurs but we follow a methodology to create quality pieces, ”confirms the one who is also president of the association.
After the Alexandrians of Molière’s “Tartuffe” last year, the big family of T2T therefore attacked for its 70e Birthday to a play by Gilles Dyrek, one of the boxes of the Avignon Festival two years ago, and to see on Saturday 1is and Sunday February 2, 2025, Bernard-Giraudeau room.
-Named to the Molières in the Best Comedy category, “the return of Richard 3 by the 9:24 am” is the story of a man at the dawn of his life who summons his family … unless he’s ‘Act of actors paid to play the role of women, children and her best friend. “It’s an intelligent and very funny comedy. It is also a beautiful declaration of love to the actors and the therapeutic virtues of the theatrical game, ”comments the director.
The day before (Friday, January 31), the Baladins de Breuil-Magné will present “Farewell Mr. Haffman who had obtained four Molières in 2018. Finally, notice to amateurs: the big family of T2T is not sectarian and remains open to any new apprentice actor.
“The return of Richard 3 by the 9:24 am by Gilles Dyrek, by the Tréteau des Deux Tours, Saturday 1is February at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday February 2 at 3 p.m., Bernard-Giraudeau room, in La Rochelle. Reservations on 07 69 97 77 25 or [email protected].