Has Prince Harry renounced the crusade he launched in recent years against the British tabloids, which he accuses of having exposed his private life through illegal means and harassing his late mother, Princess Diana? On Wednesday January 22, the lawyers of the youngest son of King Charles III announced that they had reached an amicable agreement with those of News Group Newspaper (NGN), the publisher of Sun and of News of the World. And this a few minutes before the opening, in London, of the trial for illegal collection of information and telephone tapping that the prince brought against the group.
NGN, owned by Rupert Murdoch, also issued an apology “complete and unequivocal” Duke of Sussex “for the serious intrusion of Sun in his private life between 1996 and 2011, including incidents of illegal activities carried out by private investigators working for the Sun ». The publisher also apologized for “ phone hacking, surveillance and misuse of private information by journalists and private investigators commissioned by them News of the World. »
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